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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wackyserious

  1. Another minor suggestion.. Prop stone slabs and metal mines with pickaxes on the ground and a handcart with stone bricks / metal ingots when it gets mined for the first time (or lose hp point, i.e. props appear when hp is reduced and will remain there until the resource is depleted. + Unit health and speed: 25/100 health reduces speed (Introduce a wounded/crippled walking animation)
  2. New suggestions for the game Destroying (Destroy building command) a structure should give you back 75% of the resources spent on building it.Disable the destroy building command when enemies are near the building (So that scorched earth strategy cannot be abused and exploited by the players)Optional: I think I already suggested this one before? Command destroying a building takes time, drains 20% health per second instead of instantly destroying it. (Percentage might go lower, depending on the size of a building, ex. destroying a house vs. destroying a fortress or CC)Destruction can be negated 1.) If the owner decides to repair it using a unit 2.) If the enemy attempts to capture itI think these 4 things are crucial and can help in balancing the new capture system.
  3. Played singleplayer earlier, the AI who first spawns a battering ram easily crushes the other, defending AI tries to capture the ram instead of destroying it. Same with defense buildings, doesn't attack the rams, making defense buildings pretty usesless (Maybe switching the default action to "destroy" instead of "capture" is the right thing as someone mention before) Buildings should be able to put up a little fight againts rams.
  4. Unit proposal: Shieldmaiden Generic name: ShieldmaidenSpecific name: ???Class: Spear(women)men /or/ Swords(women)men /or/ ChampionCan be trained at houses but takes very long to train.
  5. Hi, fellow modder here, Are you planning to make a Saxon faction?
  6. How do I change the default colors associated with the teams? (Not changing a team color in Atlas but changing the default associated color, like how player 8 is black and player 7 is orange.) Can I change or associate a new color to it?
  7. I'm also experiencing the same issue, never experienced the lag with Alpha 18, only when I switched to SVN.
  8. Yes, the name semita sounds good for Alpha 19 Hi there Dezzi, the Council of Modders is working on a Norse (or Viking) faction for our Millenium AD mod. You can find the CoM here in the forums or track us via ModDB You can also download the experimental versions of the mod on Github https://github.com/0ADMods/millenniumad
  9. Also, how do I save a 512x512.png image/copy of the a UV map, like the Norse shield UV .png that you gave me?
  10. The "F" key connects the vertices, I want to create a vertical edge that is connected to the edge above. Like the red ones below, but I want the vertices to be a part or are connected to the edge and not independent vertices. Is there a way to do this? / \ | Wall | Door | Wall | <-- Structure wall ------------------------ | | | | <-- Extruded base
  11. Is there a way to join the vertex below, to the edge above it to create a straight/vertical edge in between them? Where the new vertex is connected or is a part of the edge above and not floating on its own?
  12. Thanks Stan, the key to honing the powers of a software really lies in its shortcut keys! Haha
  13. Thanks LordGood, It took a couple of re-reading but I kinda get the idea now. The technical terms confused me Haha It works Stan, thanks! So does that mean that It is okay if some of the faces doesn't have them, like in the rear part of the model above?
  14. Hi, I'm new to 3D modelling. what is the purpose of the diagonal edges in the faces in the image below? Can I just delete them?
  15. Hi and welcome, have you tried reading the wiki? http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki The wiki contains useful tutorials and guides on modding and working with 0AD. I'm also new here and a rookie in the modding community, I learned stuff from some members and from reading the wiki.
  16. The animal must've hated the Carthaginians for using him as a war tool
  17. Yes, some members are still working, tho, most of team members who contribute are occupied in real life and cannot contribute right now. I worked on some unit textures two weeks ago. Unit textures in the attached image are applied to both the old and new mesh, units on the left uses the new m_tunic_long mesh and the ones in the right are using the old m_pants_celt mesh
  18. I hope that the dev team would consider implementing this feature. It will add a nice flavor to the game.
  19. 1.) What about a new form of resource, something like honor/glory points? -Can be used to train heroes and special units like aquilifers, centurions, arjos (Gallic nobles), etc. Let's say that a hero would cost you between 300-500 glory points. -Gained through researching, killing enemy units in melee, capturing enemy CC/wonders or killing an enemy hero. (Ex. researching a certain tech would give you between 25-75 honor/glory points and killing an enemy hero would give you 100 honor points or so) Edited: Champion units also cost little honor/glory. (1 glory point per champ.) 2.) An open/close to trade button in Marketplaces and Trade ports (A toggle button that can open or prevent trading with the structure, I always wanted to avoid AI ship/caravan spamming, 2 trade ships filled with merchants are enough to support a late-game economy, I also wish that the AI will be upgraded to use something similar to this so that it doesn't spam ships in Naval maps)
  20. Yes, a little bit harder but not that much. Imagine, 2 rams were able to tear down a fully garrisoned Carthaginian civic center and barracks while in the process of getting captured by a large group of spearmen. I'm also thinking that this has something to do with the ram's radius, because not all units will be able to surround and contribute to the capture threshold of the ram, only a selected few will be able to, and those behind them cannot contribute since they are not in direct contact with the object. So, when a ram is attacking and facing a building it also limits the number of units that can capture it. I've also read that because of the new pathfinder, there was an issue where slower units were able to outrun faster units. When the AI began sending rams to my territory my first strategy was to surround and halt them with my spearmen but the rams outrunned my men and was able to wreck havoc inside my territory.
  21. About battering rams, it takes long before you can capture one. Two rams were able to destroy several buildings and one of my civic centers before I managed to capture them both. I had a very plenty amount of spear infantry at my control during that match.
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