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Everything posted by Curufinwe

  1. ( Hola Diego, soy Curufinwe, habla frances, ingles y un poco español. My wife speaks a lot better Spanish than I do ... all I can say is "para comer por favor", "huevos y longanisa", "agua y bino", "una cerveza por favor" ... I kno the numbers and the days too
  2. ( I am going to London next week on a holiday. I will take pictures of the wild scenery of London, of fierce businessmen, of the Tower of London, of the Queen ... but most of all, I will do my best to find Tolkien related places ... like the Cotswolds, Kent, Lake District, etc ... it was a great idea to post your vacation pictures here, Erik !!!
  3. ( On one occasion, I was on national TV ... not only me, but my other fellow rowers. We were 4 boys who had reached the French Rowing Championship (back in 1995) ... we managed to arrive 3rd ... a report had been done on us since we were not expected at all to reach such a rank. It was fun, I got "famous" for a few days after that A better story is about my uncle. He is retired now, but he used to be in charge of a laboratory in a College in France. One day, he arrived at work at 7am although his work was supposed to start at 8 ... he felt like going early to finish things up ... Normally, a cleaning woman was to sweep all the class rooms and laboratories, but she was sick that day. When he entered the lab, he was about to switch the light on when he smelt a weird smell ... it was gaz. Had the lady turned the light on, the whole school would have blown up ... He was calm enough to turn the gaz supplier off without touching any electrical device. he then opened the windows and told every person who was in there to evacuate. It proved out that a student who had been sanctioned had turn the gaz suppliers on and had left them on for the whole night ... not only 1, but several national TVs came over ... and I even think there was a Spanish or Italian TV who interviewed him We still have the video tape at home
  4. ( Well, I am sorry, I can't tell you about that ... I live 800 km from there All I know is that French people in Pas-de-Calais and nearby areas still have an accent that reminds of their Flemish ancestry ... just as much as in Corsica, where people speak French with a kind of Italian accent ... It seems that since the 1970s and 1980s even more, there is a sense of regional pride in every large region ... Occitania for mine, Corsica, Brittany (obviously), Alsace, etc ... interesting ... but July the 14th is always accepted as a National Day, even by the most extreme regionalists.
  5. ( Any banner you have, just try to update the name to 0 A.D. ... thanks At least, I would like to make this right
  6. ( There is indeed, especially TLA stuff ... like images or concepts
  7. ( I would love being paid millions just to taste chocolates Apart from that, I have always wanted to become a teacher ... hey ! know what? I am a teacher
  8. ( I earn € 2,000 a month ... so that is US$2,200 ... I therefore voted 25,000 - 40,000 ... the choice should have been different ... like: 0 - 1,000 1,001 - 3,000 3,001 - 6,000 6,001 - 10,000 10,001 - 25,000 25K +
  9. yes we do ... As I said, I went to a tiny little village on the 14th (my wife and I were invited by friends ...) ... and it was astonishing! eventually, the fireworks were outstanding!!! As for the Flemish National day, I am impressed that it is over 700 years old!
  10. Have Win2K on one computer (daily use) and Linux on my storage computer
  11. ( Last Sunday, I was playing Soldier of Fortune 2 and trying to chat with ZeZar on MSN, and trying to make him believe I was actually modelling for him, which I was not at all
  12. ( I see ... thanks for the explanation Yiuel! @ Uppy : Only 1 country in the world apart from the US celebrates its national day on the 4th of July; that is the Philippines because it was an American colony until 1946 and kept this day as its day of Independence of the American colonists. Apart from that, they have another national day, to celebrate their first independent republic of 1898, whoch had been put to an end by force by the same American power ... Hostory repeats
  13. I use it sometimes ... but I am on Undernet ... not much on Quakenet.
  14. ( my wife is on myspace.com to find old school mates or old friends she had not seen for ages ... @ Phantom: although my wife is on myspace.com, I don't think she is depressed !!!!! ... however, that is maybe because she only checks it once a month !!!
  15. ( May I ask where you live, iNtRePiD ? if in the US, I thought there was no such thing as minimum wage in there .... if in Europe, I understand
  16. ( Welcome here mate! I am Curufinwe, Lord of the ( :)
  17. ( Already finished Uni a long time ago (3 years) ... hence the ( at the top of my posts !!!!!!! Got a Uni Master's degree in English, major in Linguistics and American Imperialism History.
  18. ( Voted "kind of" for the same reasons as akya ...
  19. ( oops ... didn't read the all thread ... I had an idea for once, so I posted it it doesn't happen everyday !!!!
  20. ( It really did ... not a feeling of irony ... anyway, do you have any kind of celebration in Quebec for the 400th anniversary of New France?
  21. ( It is too easy Caedus!!! If you choose to see the results first and vote after, you (or anybody else) might be tempted to vote like the majority. Hence a "false" vote ... it may not reflect people's real opinion about the vote ... if 30 people are against something and you are in facour, if you can see the results, you may be tempted to vote according to the main trend ... and not assert your opinion !
  22. ( Don't know what 20/20 stands for, but all I know is that every time I have been to the optician, I have never gone out with glasses or lenses ... so far
  23. ( Here ... a shame I could not come to Norway for a holiday among reindeers and lakes
  24. ( Sorry, I was in a hurry and I forgot to translate my words ... I felt so happy of finding some words in French in here Anyway, thank you so much for translating my speech Yiuel !
  25. ( Yes definitely, but not now ... as said by ZeZar, apart from a handful of addicts , there isn't much activity for the moment since this is still the developping period ... but in the future, it will be definitely needed.
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