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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Yeah, it's a mess. If they want them to depict the 4th/5th century Western Romans (which is not contemporary with the "Celts" and "Britons" in the game, who are depicted around 1200 AD, wth!), then their campaign should have nothing to do with Trajan's campaigns, which should use Romans from the high empire era, with lorica segmentata. Their campaign should have been about Aetius or (pushing it) Constantine (would have been cool, since it genuinely would allow the player to triumph).
  2. That is really confusing, but if true then it makes more sense. Still kind of weird since they already have a much more appropriate Byzantine faction for that.
  3. I don't really buy this justification, since this expansion is supposed to bring AOE's time period to the AOE2 engine.
  4. None of the civs had to fit with each other before. So, it's still an odd or noteworthy design choice.
  5. Pretty much. They should just not have the decay element enabled.
  6. I'm curious as to why they are depicting the Roman army as the 4th century Dominate instead of the usual 1st-2nd century Principate.
  7. There used to be a large and robust Deathmatch scene back in the MSN Gaming Zone days of AOE1 and AOE2. I myself ran an exclusively Deathmatch clan for these games for about 3 years.
  8. Yes, this should change IMHO and I think there would be broad support for changing it.
  9. Roman-dominated Egypt? EA Part 2, potentially.
  10. Yeah, the AI needs modded as well, but that's beyond my current skillset. I will say the current development version has the AI playing pretty well though, but still not as good as in vanilla. Do you play random maps or skirmish maps in DE? Random maps don't have all of the features.
  11. Or reduce hero vision range down to the range of regular units.
  12. I like the customization aspect of the AOE3 card shipment system, but I like the EE system even better. Select some available bonuses and techs in a meta screen and then those selections affect the civ in-game. Less of the "5 cannons popping out of the town center" thing but still allows for customizing.
  13. I think DE's Isthmus of Corinth skirmish map would make a good basis for a random map script.
  14. The cards at least add a level of meta that is currently lacking in 0 a.d. I personally don't think one time use powers are gimmicky. How they are used and their timing can be very strategic, especially if they are limited. But I'd rather have something like what I call "Policies" that affect how units behave. So imagine once you train a hero, you get a number if buttons in the hero's UI that set Policies, such as Plunder, Massacre, etc. that dictate what your units do. So, plunder could make your units default to destroying buildings instead of capturing them. The opposite policy would default your units to capturing instead if destroying. Things like that. There could be a small set of standard policies for all civs and heroes, and then perhaps 1 custom policy per hero or civ.
  15. Musicians would be a great addition if the game had hard battalions. You could upgrade your battalions individually to have Musicians, Officers, etc., which give bonuses to that battalion. Else, without hard battalions, you could get rid of heroes as trainable units and divide their auras and bonuses amongst new Officer and Musician unit types.
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