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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. I think this is exactly how it used to be before but something changed. Before, if you say select 10 houses and want to train female, but you only had resource for 8 female, then it would train 8 female from 8 houses. Now, it won't let you do that.
  2. Trample could be by double click and/or passive as you task them to charge beyond the enemy. Ranged would be otherwise.
  3. This is not set in stone at all. It is unclear exactly what the programmers wish to cut from the planned features.
  4. In my local mod I have made chariots a some different than "normal" citizen cavalry. They do not upgrade ranks, you must purchase improvements called Medium Chariot (City Phase) and Heavy Chariot (Imperial Phase) in order to make them uber good. It is my hope that I can change them further when trample damage is implemented by developer and improvements to the visiblegarrison part of the xmls that can make the archers passive garrisoned units and the chariot itself is used like a ram to smash into enemey units (trample and charge, you do still plan these right?). Like someone else said, the chariots would almost be a suicide unit (think of Petards in AOE2, but used against units instead of buildings), and the archers are just passive guys shooting at nearby enemies. I wish to do the same with elephants (but obviously less suicide and just more chaotic and crazy, for a big price).
  5. Yes, they had issues, but not so much as the issues without them. I reenable them.
  6. It is very interesting. Unfortunately the pathfinding for the ship with units on the deck is really weird.
  7. For my mod I will include a "test" ship with units garrisonable on the deck. The pathfinder hgets confused because I think it runs separate paths for the ship and the garrisoned units, so the ship stutters and acts weird when you move it. I will include this test ship in a modified Ptolemies sandbox scenario.
  8. You can test these very easy in scn editor. I look forwqard to your data.
  9. Cannot git branch have been made for new pathfinding and formations and left the old formations in svn branch? Maybe you not think of this? hm?
  10. Actually AGE2:TC would be a good reference for this Mesoamerican building set.
  11. Hi modders. Looking to add a '500' option between 300 and Unlimited. I do this in gamesetup.js: const POPULATION_CAP = ["50", "100", "150", "200", "250", "300", "500", translate("Unlimited")];const POPULATION_CAP_DATA = [50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 500, 10000];But the game interpret at unlimited. Is there seomething else that needs to be edited?
  12. Can't you train 5, 10, 15, 20 men at same time?
  13. I made Temple Vesta buildable and gacve it an aura that makes building around it stronger. Also made many civs have a shipyard (no model yet).
  14. <Loot> <xp>100</xp> <food>5</food> <wood>0</wood> <stone>0</stone> <metal>0</metal> </Loot> <Looter/> <Promotion> <RequiredXp>100</RequiredXp> </Promotion>From the xml of infantry units A17. This is not changed from A16. sorry. You can be right tho if you want to be. i will not judge!
  15. 1st phase is all economics, setting up food production, hunting, berry pickings, setting up your farms, scouting, and all the rest. 2nd phase you get the military upgrades at the barracks and walls and towers are unlocked and you can start to make significant military research at the blacksmith. That's not to say you couldn't raid in the 1st phase (you get access to all citizesoldier types at the barracks, but you have to build it first and it is relatively expensive). I have also divided the Docks into a Docks (fishing, trading) and Shipyard (warships and warship research). Dock is 1st phase, Shipyard comes in 2nd phase.
  16. No it did not. It took 100 xp. Killing 1 soldier gain the soldier 100 xp. Archers required 150 or 200 xp if I remember correct.
  17. Technology Web: I do not see how this is an issue compared to a regular tree design.Ina regular tree it is very linear where one tech just unlocks another one (a->b-c). In a web each choice unlocks 2 more choice. I imagine this allows for bigger variety of builds not lesser. Players can figure out different paths for their different strategies and try to find optimal paths for their play style. Some paths may be used more than others but that is okay because the lesser traveled paths still give an option in case of an unusual situation or surprising move by the opponent. Overall it is way more powerful and responsive to the needs of the player than both the linear design being used now and the pair design. 4th Phase: I also propose a 4th phase for the game (it is in my local mod and works great, I explain). What I have done is move civil centers to City phase and then have a 4th phase for uber stuff. Moving the civil centers to 3rd phase in a 4-phase game makes the player focus on his first town before building new towns. I know this makes everyone change their strategies they have developed with the alphas, but change can be good. Attacks are still possible though and military focus is now toward dominating the land militarilly instead of with civil centers. You also have more time to scout, more time to research techs, and strategies like "fast city" or "fast imperial" are now possible. Also, deciding whether to focus on defenses like walls in town or use that stone for City phase tech and civil centers is now made better. Imperial (4th phase) is where I put all the strongest techs and they are very expensive. I am also experimenting by making the Imperial tech require that a Wonder be built. This makes Wonder impoertant to the regular non-Wonder game. I am also going to experiment with giving the Fortress a low build limit (1 or 3 or 5-maybe 1 in city and Imperial unlocks to 5, just experimenting on ways to make the fortress more interesting). I have also made catapults require a tech (ballistika) to be built which lessens the fact that some civs (rightly) get catapults and some do not.
  18. Yes, this is true. But one can imagine it not being too complex. My tech mod will probably not have the web bcuz I am not a programmer. I propose the web for the develiper's game, but if they don't like it or don't want to do it, I can make my own tracker and enlist helpers. I can imagine if the player had 2 blacksmiths the web window could have a "2" in the corner telling the player how many credits (or smiths?) they can use, so 1 credit(smith) per tech. Choose a tech and the 2 goes down to 1. In my sample image the yellow strands mean those techs are unlocked because the previous tech has been researched. The green strands point to the techs that have been researched. Black strands mean those techs are not available yet because the one above them has not been researched yet. Most techs in the web, except those on the outside, can be unlocked by 2 other techs above them. The archery focus one was unlocked by Metallurgy because Metallurgy was researched. It could have been unlocked by Forging too,but wasn't. Either way it is now unlocked (in this example). Think of it like a pachinko machine (or pinball machine), except you control the ball.
  19. I was imagining one for each building. Blacksmith, Barracks, Storehouse, etc. The Blacksmith would probably be the largest and most customized for each civ. But I would say that 75% of the techs would be shared by all civs, 50% at least. Many of the differences could be as simple as one civ researching a tech sooner than another in their web, and like in Age of Empires some civs just won't have a few of the techs that others do, while maybe 20% or so would be completely different to make the civs different (most civs are relatively the same at the start of the game, becoming more and more different as the game progresses because of research and different units available). In my mod, the civilcenter trains female and 1 melee infantryman. Then build the barracks and all of the civ's citizen soldiers units are available at village phase from the barracks. This helps balance at the beginning (player has access to wider variety of counters... speaking of which my mod puts hard counters back into the game and the old formations). About the web, yes, it would be possible to do it procedurally too. It's just dependencies are harder to visualize by the modder (me, haha), but I guess the modder could just draw a chart out first before adding the dependencies to the technologies json (now that I think about it row IDs and all that would probably be just as hard to visualie, so yes I agree with procedural).
  20. Hint of my tech mod. I am using some icons from Age of Empires right now, so I can't release it yet.
  21. I look at sample units in the map editor and they look like glory. Well done!
  22. Had a thought. I do not think it would fit into the hud at the bottom of the screen. Would probably have a button where the techs go now that launches a medium window (maybe launches it over the HUD instead of the middle of the screen so you can still see stuff happening).
  23. Hoplite shield was called aspis (hoplon simply means weapons of war), but let's not fight over this small trivia. But I like prerequisits as you mention and the tech web I make up there is all about prerequisites. Everything unlocks more things. The web I post there is the blacksmith web I imagine for my mod (the current version of my mod has most of these techs as pairs,because web is not implemented of course!) for the Seleucid Empire. Some of it is standard for all civs, but it gets more custom as you go down the web. So, at the top you have your first two choices: Metallurgy (-25% Blacksmith techs resource cost) or Forging (-50% blacksmiths techs research time). You can choose to research one and then go downward from that, or research one and thenthe other, opening up more techs below them (as you see in the chart). Or research one (Forging for example) and follow its web for a while, and later research the other to open up its web. However you want to do it. Below those, there are 3 "focuses": Hand-to-hand Melee Infantry, Range Infantry, and Cavalry. You can see what I am doing as you look down the web. I point out the area between the Ranged and Cavalry. You can see techs that can apply to both. Same for between Melee Infantry and Range Infantry (you can research Iphicrates Boots to make both melee and range infantry faster, below that you see the dagger that can give a dagger to both melee and range infantry, and so it goes). The farther you look to the sides the more specific the techs are, so the techs to the left are only melee infantry and the techs to the right are only cavalry. Toward the bottom on the cavalry side you start to see specific techs for chariots (Heavy Scythes) and elephants (Elephant Armor). And at the very bottom you get very strong (cost 1000+ resources) techs.
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