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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. I actually thought the original was by Sundiata! His is very nice (though a little busy). Who did the bottom two?
  2. Another mercenary suggestion would be to replace their "Han" cavalry archer with a Xiongnu Horse Archer.
  3. Thanks for the bug report @Purgator_! https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/26345
  4. I would actually like to introduce a 'cataphract' mixin for the game's templates.
  5. I think the Han in this alpha could show what kind of love could be given to the other civs subsequently.
  6. The Dian Warrior could be a mercenary swordsman and replace their citizen-soldier swordsman, while making the Yue Warrior a javelineer.
  7. 1. The Han have both Pikemen and Champion Cavalry Spearmen. You can 100% train both of these units playing the latest iteration of the mod. And when I say latest, I mean for the past several weeks/couple months. 2. The Han Academy has a similar function to the Athenian Gymnasium and the Spartan Syssition, but has twice as many champion options than either of those buildings do. While the building isn't free, you don't have to research the champion unlocking techs like most other civs do. I mean, this building just rocks. 3. Javelins and Mercenaries: I actually do propose a couple of mercenaries for them, one of them being a javelineer. The Dian Warrior, from the Dian Kingdom of Southwest China A Mercenary Javelineer available from the Practice Range in Phase II Switches to Sword in close combat once the game has that feature The Yue Warrior, from the tribes inhabiting Southern China and seashores of Southeast Asia A Mercenary Spearman available from the Barracks in Phase II
  8. They don't have to match those. The maurya one can be a Chakra wheel or a lotus flower, as examples.
  9. They are in my local repo and working now. I need someone or someones to make custom flags for the Mauryas and Kushites, as those are the ones that are not license compatible. maur_infantry_1.psd kush_infantry_1.psd Once those 2 are remade, I can commit the whole thing.
  10. You can assign a standard carrier unit, but he will stand right in the middle of the formation and overlap any "real" unit that's there. I will update the banner to look nicer soon. I've just been caught up with other stuff as you can see in Trac. This could be a simple and easy diversion.
  11. Crossbows are trash units in DE, because although crossbows are more technological than bows, they were equipped on masses of quickly trained peasants.
  12. Yes, but the banner is only the vanilla "waypoint" flag for now. I'll see if I can commit some banners more like my screenshots.
  13. It's the spiral of death. They'll keep following the trail of pheromones until they die. Nvm, that's ants.
  14. That's all fine and good to not use hard counters/attack bonuses, but now you have to find a combination of attack and resistance values for a dozen different unit types to make some kind of good counter system.
  15. han_china mod only works for Alpha 26, as it's being developed for Alpha 26. Millennium AD should work with Alpha 25 tho.
  16. Yes, like the Brotherhood Without Banners from Game of Thrones.
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