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Council of Modders
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Posts posted by shieldwolf23

  1. I second the suggestion of @Palaxin. Maybe that is the way to go? However, if this is too formal/ too large for the community (to gather people and have a meeting of ideas), maybe we can start off with a mod, wherein we can have a properly documented design process, and maybe ask the developers later on to recognize the changes if it is really on par or beyond what the core game offers.

    Of course, we need people, skilled ones who can really do the ground work. That I think is the challenge. All these ideas within the Forums are mostly with merit - if we can gather enough people to do something about it and make it organized, we can better move things forward.

    • Like 1
  2. @DarcReaver - I totally understand your sentiments. There were times wherein if only I have the set of skills to make the changes myself, I would have done it quickly and presented it to the community. Like @Enrique said, your posts contain valid points of which we can learn. Will you be willing to be part of that process itself? We can have you in our team, if the Council will be okay with it. Can we do that @niektb? My only misgiving is to be patient with us - please do tone down the harshness level. We could definitely use your experience to the betterment of this game.

    @Lion.Kanzen - I also appreciate the "loyalty" to 0 A.D. You have provided ideas and contributions to the group as well. Let us accept constructive criticisms whenever we get it.

    • Like 1
  3. Hi guys!

    I've revisited the map, and made minor adjustments. However, is it really natural for the scenario to lag when playing? I know that this map is my very first 0 AD map, and I may have used a lot of objects (resource items instead of eye-candies), but I do have a very powerful gaming laptop. I tried lowering all graphics choices but still the game lags! :(

    If somebody has the time, could you please see what's going on? Attaching the file here:


    Indus Valley.zip

  4. Ok --- I have set it up so that I can now access and play it in the scenario list. However, if I want to link some triggers to an existing map, could someone help me on how to do it? Don't worry, I'm documenting the things I'm doing and will definitely create a tutorial for other guys like me, with the help of the existing trigger work done by Niek in "A Silent Day in Gaul".

    • Like 1
  5. On 10/01/2017 at 3:45 PM, niektb said:

    So in Atlas you open your map but nothing happens?

    Atlas gives this message:



    Much to our regret we must report the program has encountered an error.

    Please let us know at http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ and attach the crashlog.txt and crashlog.dmp files.

    Details: unhandled exception (PSERROR_Game_World_MapLoadFailed("Failed to load map.
    Check application log for details."))

    Location: unknown:0 (RtlSubscribeWnfStateChangeNotification)

    Call stack:

    (error while dumping stack: No stack frames found)
    errno = 0 (No error reported here)
    OS error = 0 (no error code was set)



    39 minutes ago, fcxSanya said:

    @shieldwolf23 can you post both map files (pmp + xml, zipped) here?

    Attaching here.



  6. My suggestion: combine both: tutorials and lowering default AI. The default AI should be an AI that would be very easy to beat (the one wherein a new player would just click target attack group/ AI base and win). Of course option to change the AI to the stronger AI for normal players would be there.

    This way, new players would not be too much frustrated. They can always "up the ante" when they feel they are good enough to defeat the "normal" AI.

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