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Posts posted by shieldwolf23

  1. Forgive me for not being technical enough, but allow me to share my thoughts on Triggers:

    I agree on what Yves suggested, in that triggers could be localized/ categorized depending on the map necessities. What I like about the Age of Empire 1 editor is the simplicity of the Conditions > Effects that is actually pre-loaded in the editor, which, for beginners, could be selected to provide simple changes in game play mechanics. I would love to see that simplicity.

    The most powerful and at the same time flexible editor I used, however, is Empire Earth's. While having the same simple Conditions > Effects choices, it can also mix in different variables for different purposes and effects, so that, you can almost recreate any effect or trigger any game play mechanics you can think of, limited only by the core game engine. I hope that 0 AD could replicate that.

    Again, sorry for not being of help technically (I don't know much in scripting). But I sure can help with testing/ suggesting what sort of pre-existing conditions/ effects should be there for beginners to use in creating their own maps.

  2. We can discuss it. Though I doubt it's boring to hold territory. If you look at wars it was all about holding or losing advantageous territory. And if you lost one spot then you probably even had to abandon another which you maybe just recently reconquered.

    A victory condition to hold out is what in my opinion we should think of too.

    I agree. Historically, that is the main focus of wars between Empires and ancients - territories, and the rare/ valuable resources that those territories contain. Since 0 AD is geared on realism, we should take that into account.

    • Like 2
  3. @Hephaestion:

    My user.cfg contains this:

    splashscreenenable = "false"
    userreport.enabledversion = "0"
    userreport.id = "3346465565a4dc6f"
    How would I proceed on doing it? Sorry, I'm technically impaired. :D


    On 3, yep, I have noticed that too. However, what I mean by "rocks" is the terrain you used for the rocky features. A little bit of variety on the rocky terrain would make wonders.

  4. So, I have generated 3 Black Forest scenarios. My comments are below:

    1. Is there any way you could make the water deeper, and more active? It looks very plain, without waves and such (I don't know if this is because of the main engine itself, or the way RMS is painting the map).

    2. The greens are a bit monotonous. Like Stan's suggestion, maybe you could have the RMS paint different shades of greens, with some patches of dirt and non-grass in between?

    3. Could you make a splattering of other rock types too?

    • Like 1
  5. I agree even I open a command list of buttons and basic command that should be in the game.

    Give time to found it.

    1are a command similar pressed shift and idle shortcut "," "." You can select idle units one by one

    The 3 you use alt to avoid the selection box add females or civilians.

    4 That all named as call to the arms command, don't exist yet.

    5 is very nice suggestion. We don't have one similar.

    6 that is from EE2? I love that. We don't have.

    Thanks for the clarification, Lion. :)

    On 1, I would want to select ALL idle units, not only one. With selecting "," would it select ALL of the idle citizens?

    On 3, thank you. I'll try that in game.

    On 6, I'm not entirely sure (haven't played vanilla EE 2 lately), but I do know that this existed in Rise of Nations.

  6. Sorry if the below suggestions have already been suggested before. I hope you'll permit me to raise them. I have played Alpha 15 and I have gathered the following observations/ suggestions:

    1. If the player double clicks the hammer for the idle citizens, ALL idle citizens will be selected (not only 1).

    2. Each unit should have an "explore" button, that, when pressed, would make that unit go to random locations, revealing the fog of war.

    3. Ability to select military units only (the rectangle selection, if there are villagers, would not select those villagers).

    4. Ability to select ALL citizen soldiers (very useful in having them stop their resource gathering).

    5. Ability for recently created units to join a Group formation. For example, if I create 5 hoplites and I place the barrack's rally point to my created Group 1, those 5 hoplites would join Group 1 automatically.

    6. More attack modes targeting specific groups (like attacking buildings only, or citizens only).

    I have also experienced quite huge lag in games having 4 AIs, but I read somewhere that for now, this can't be helped. Thanks for the time in reading.

    • Like 3
  7. I like the idea of wells being a thing in the game. I've had similar thoughts for the past couple of years, but never wrote them down. My thoughts were that "water" wasn't another resource, but augmented your econ in some way. I settled on 2 possible ideas:

    1. Capture a well like you'd capture a sheep (or make it a little harder, like capturing a building or mercenary camp, but the idea is still the same: you task a unit to it) and it would either make your units train faster or make your farms more profitable.
    2. Wells are always neutral, but are an unlimited food source to which you can task a unit to bring buckets of water back to your base. It adds to your "food" stockpile just like any other "food" resource.

    So something like one of the options above.

    Couldn't we have both? I like option 2 too, since it would make for a good siege centerpiece. Historical sieges have been made or broken by the existence or non-existence of strategic wells.

  8. I second hhyloc. For now, when we do the campaigns, we can have a simple messages [dialogues] with no voice over work. That way, the dialogues are already there, and voice over work could follow.

    As to 0 AD winning over more players, yes, I do believe that player count would increase once we give them campaigns, and the ability to create their own scenarios/ edit campaign variables. I, myself, would be looking forward to it.

    • Like 1
  9. I would certainly like the look and feel of a Total War campaign map, but without the turn-based aspect. Instead of turns, the campaign would be able to be paused to issue orders and other city- or region-wide management. Have any of you guys played Lords of the Realm? It has the look and feel of early Total War, but with real time strategy map. It really is quite a challenging game.

    Once armies clash in the campaign map, or if the army is near enemy city for a siege, the player would then have to decide whether to let the AI resolve the battles/ sieges in the prescribed time, or you will be able to play the siege/ battle in real time. I think that would be quite a good campaign template.

  10. Yes, everyone is meant to get one. And being an apprentice, you are still a councilor.

    That is right. However, that thread is art specific, dealing with those subsets. Should you opt for a different field and a sig, just submit what you'd like to take on, and Stan will take care of the rest, and issue your signatures.

    And where's mine? *crying hysterically* :wink2:

  11. Thanks. There a couple of aesthetic and game play issues I want to raise, but I want to be sure if what I got is the latest batch from the repositories. Shall I continue the PT, or should I wait for your confirmation if the one in the repositories is the latest?

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