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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. Thanks Enrique! I wouldn't mind in the slightest Just one thing on the textures, they are painted relief sculptures yes? I'm not sure I'm liking the fuzzy edges, perhaps they should darken. especially around Horus or maybe I'm just being nitpicky xP That should be a lot easier nobody's going to be able to zoom in far enough to notice anyway
  2. Hey lion, didn't notice that before! Perhaps you could make Ludo and I admins and we could open up an inspiration folder. I know of plenty of artists that work in the ancient scene. Perhaps we could draw their eye by requesting their art for feature and maybe we ought to have a folder for game development as well, for emblems, models, and other artworks that are used on the forums I can't request to join, is this group invite only?
  3. I was wondering if we ought to have a page for deviantart. We could show off the game to a reasonably broad audience, not to mention the pool of potential artists to give us feedback, or content.
  4. oxybeles all seem to do that after the accuracy upgrade, and only after that's implemented. I'm no code wizard but I think that's where the problem stems from
  5. lol thanks widdle bitty pictures yeah, the sling gets completely lost in the BG Rope sling would probably show better
  6. Thanks a bunch! I love the feedback, I'll see what I can do. hehe im not too familiar with how slingers operate, or figures in motion tbh Skirmisher's hand was a bit off, did my best to fix
  7. Thanks sander! It might be difficult to pull his head in at this point, not to mention the compositional fallout. Actually that might do wonders for the composition I'm wondering weather or not I need rim lights. It's a light subject, to say the least.
  8. Well, I'll do my best i guess!

  9. dangit michael the brits will have a nice barracks IF IT KILLS ME! WARRRGARRBLE! aside, i should have posted my design sketches before getting involved. That's definitely my own stupid fault Barracks needs to look more... menacing amirite? Third time's a charm!
  10. If the building would be destroyed will the terrain restore? It would defeat the purpose of destroying the wall if the terrain remains impassible
  11. Bought a ton of pasta wheels, even though this isn't Twitter.

  12. Stronghold Crusader 2 is on its way. It looks like it's going to tank pretty hard. All of the 4 strongholds since Crusader have; I dunno how Firefly studios are still in business
  13. Celtic Iaosae just because! My brain might just have switched gears from the carthaginians to the celts for a bit. I'll do the Sacred band of Astarte eventually I actually did this one more painterly on one layer, I find it easier to manipulate. Let me know what you think
  14. Awesome, thanks Enrique I started this before you sent the message to deviate from the round format, but I hope this is a better fit I could always put a gallery on top instead of a plaster wall, like the gallic temple has
  15. I started over and now I'm getting a 'mesh is not made of triangles requirement not met' error I've triangulated all of the faces and got rid of all of the materials, but it just wont import
  16. What if we had separate buildings for experience gain? Sort of like an academy or archery range?
  17. I'm getting a weird lighting glitch, the normals in blender are the exact opposite as the ones exported into pyrogenesis engine here's the beginnings of my briton barracks at any rate
  18. lol palisade file is not in the structural texture folder Put some pointy sticks to brace the bottom of the tower, lowered the flag a bit still shooting arrows from the base though ooh, do you think we could put a slinger up there and have it shoot rocks instead of arrows? The britons seemed to be lacking a bit in the archery department anyhow
  19. Garrison flag is working fine, but I'll probably lower it. It's a bit high Projectile point is not working fine
  20. I'm a bit slammed schoolwise, but I've been throwing together some sketches. If I have a spare moment I'll try to build a model. I have to say, the barracks format does not like the circular format of brythonic buildings gotta get all creative with it
  21. lol, I'm glad to hear that! Thanks! I know slope walls are a gallic thing, but I was wondering if the britons could get a wall differentiation atm, since the slope walls are looking like a scenario item right now rather than an in game building. (if this was at the beginning of the thread I totally missed it.) Also, can anyone tell me how to make prop points? I need the arrows to stop coming out of the bottom of the tower It looks weird ah, so many edits... I plan on putting some vertical beams between or straddling the crossbeam... nub... things sticking out atm
  22. that is both amazing and slightly worrisome at the same time.
  23. Building a trade empire is key in this game, you might be surprised to see how many resources you can grind out of a single land route, or better yet a sea route. Good dedication can grind out tens of thousands of resources relatively quickly. (land routes are a pain due to the lag generated by unit pathing though)
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