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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. I don't mean the landscape, i mean the verticality of the reconstructed parts of the buildings
  2. I dont trust that reconstruction of Monte Alban. It's too vertical to match other mesoamerican architecture
  3. Would it be very far fetched to think that zapotec building designs would work their way into their shield designs? There aren't many references, and the two shield designs I'm familiar with at least would be extremely repetitive
  4. I'm thinking of adding champion clubmen like the mauryans have for a siege option, considering many mesoamerican civs didnt lay siege, or else give them rams, or both, why not. I like the idea of a "champion priest" but it may be easier to future proof for the next alphas if we just call the battle priest a champion swordsman/spearman that's trainable out of the temple. The ball court can be used to train champions or perhaps... overwhelm with elite citizen soldiers?
  5. They're not quite done yet, but they're close. Sorry, I can't help but tease haha
  6. A mysterious civilization inhabits the jungles of 0 AD...
  7. I'm not too good with spanish but he seems to be talking about implementing different ammunition types to switch between for siege flexibility, letting them be more effective against either buildings or infantry, but not both. And, something about letting horsemen capture siege more easily? Lots of cognates, but I still can't understand.
  8. I agree with Justus in this one, I also think that armor should follow the threshold system of AoE 1 and 2 as opposed to percentage blocked
  9. I would still favor selective upgrading, tenements should not be more efficient than housing, as it generally costs more to build up than out. The best use I see is keeping a secure population inside city walls rather than sprawl and risk raids.
  10. That would be the BIGGEST pain in the butt to implement maybe just tedious, really. Probably
  11. This is a conceptual guide for mod, or mods concerning mesoamerica. Aztecs and Inca do fall beyond our timeframe, so do the golden age maya, actually. Maya might be cool for Empires Besieged or Millennium AD p1, Aztec and inca would fit p2 which leaves the Olmec and Zapotec, and maybe Mixtec, though I'm not familiar enough with them yet. Zapotecs from what I can tell were more monument/pyramid builders than the Olmec aside from their carved heads, so would be the most logical choice imo
  12. Yes, but I bet those oligarchs had pretty sweet houses
  13. Anything that would help get a feel for the time and place, everything you listed above would be helpful.
  14. Aztecs, and even classical Maya would be too late-period for 0 AD (if someone were to mod in civs that would work alongside vanilla) The Zapotecs seem to have existed at just the right time though, well, if you can dig up any information on them that Lion hasn't already.
  15. Hey @Lion.Kanzen, I'm curious as to what a civ emblem would look like for these guys, I'd think it'd look a lot like the one on the macuahuitl warrior's shield in the reference image above with the interlocking swirl pattern
  16. Well i mean if you can hang a bit of a wall over impassible terrain it would fix the walls leaving gaps and letting units through, not necessarily build walls on a ridge where they'd be useless anyway
  17. @Juli51 What's interesting about the upgrade system now is that it is a per-entity upgrade with the sentry towers and defense towers. Defense towers can be made of sentry towers but yes, they do exist side by side. That's the kind of upgrading I was thinking of for the Carthaginian apartments too. I wouldn't think the palace would be suitable for a Civic Center IMO though.
  18. You bring up a good point; you're also not making me want to go to Spain any less, hot dang those castles are gorgeous.
  19. I like the clerestory window design, that could have been inherited from other previous north african civs. However the Carthaginian design had strayed from the corbeled arch design to a more hellenistic and common mediterranean post-and lintel construction. And as visually appealing as that diamond cut in the roof is, I'm not sure there's much historical basis for it, and it seems like it'd cause a lot more complications regarding UV maps and maintaining the Carthaginian set's unity. It's a wonderful design on its own; I'd just encourage Stan to not follow it so rigidly, and tie it back to the existing carthaginian architecture
  20. Psh, why aren't Balearics level 3 champions like the Spartans' commandoes? you can only train them out of 2 buildings maximum, so they're already next to useless now I think all mercs should have veteran status at least
  21. I still feel like the division between the structure and the terrain is a bit too sharp, this is also a pain, but drop propping some kind of foliage around the outer wall would help blur that line. The raised model does help too though.
  22. I think that model texture is good to go, though I wonder if a custom ground decal would help, like a brick walk around and out the gates. That'd be a pain in the butt though, not really necessary.
  23. I don't think the plaster should extend to the walkway, and that it could benefit from more patterning, not necessarily in gold, but maybe in carved plaster
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