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Everything posted by gameboy

  1. The mod seems no longer available for download, please help me or provide this mode download address, thank you. http://www.moddb.com/mods/millennium-ad/downloads This address can't download this mod.
  2. @wackyserious: Very beautiful game background screen, please provide the game background picture.
  3. Someone has provided the relevant documents, thank you. We just have to wait for MIMO.
  4. I met the same problem. It does happen in a single game. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/3657
  5. Yes, I also have the same problem with you, the tree will not swing. BTW: the problem needs to be solved.
  6. My friend wraitii has replied to you, please take time to look at his reply. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/3640
  7. My friend, nikagra. What I know is that the GLSL version of the 0AD game is OPENGL2.0, and the development team is developing OPENGL4.0+ Here is a patch you can refer to it, perhaps to help you. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/3641 You can also go directly to the chat channel to go directly to Yves to discuss this matter, he is now developing the work to support OPENGL4.0+. He can help you. http://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=0ad
  8. nikagra,my friend! Your patch is very good, this is a great attempt, I personally think that SMAA will bring us better graphics, you do not have to worry about our computer configuration, and now the configuration of the computer has fully supported the processing of advanced graphics, so SMAA as the first option is a better choice. Thank you I think you'll do better, my friend. Come on, please keep trying to do better.
  9. I follow the instructions in the README.txt to carry out the code of the compiler, but I can not get AtlasUI.dll. * Download the Windows source code from http://wxwidgets.org/downloads/ * Open build\msw\wx_vc12.sln in Visual Studio 2013 (same version as used for the game) * Select the "Debug" configuration * Build * Select the "Release" configuration * Build * Copy lib\ and include\ into the game's libraries\win32\wxwidgets folder
  10. Hello, nikagra. You encounter difficulties, I think the game development team will help you. My friend wraitii he might be able to help you in this.
  11. Very good function to achieve, I ask you what time to complete it? We want to test it as soon as possible.
  12. Archive file on this issue. savegame-0065.zip
  13. My friend, wraitii, did you download the two games I provided, and maybe the problem is not so difficult to solve, because it helps you to see what it's like. elexis,My friend, do you see these two blocking problems? Have you ever encountered a problem like this?
  14. I have uploaded the file. My friend, did you test my two game archive?
  15. Direct use of the archive can be fully tested to see the existence of the problem. commands.zip
  16. Second game files can be tested to two soldiers in the mountains meet can not escape each other。The two sides keep walking in the face of the animation of each other.
  17. Today I have been testing the new SVN17221, found that two of the Pathfinder blocking problem. I uploaded my game Archive: two files, you can test it. savegame-0061.zip savegame-0063.zip
  18. I tested your patch, my friend, but I found a problem: I built 34 soldiers to dig the stone, 9 people return to the Municipal Center no longer go to continue to dig a stone.
  19. I tested it again, and I used 40 soldiers to dig up the rocks, The problem is again: when they return to the Municipal Center, they will not return to dig stones. Thanks again to my friend elexis , thank you for posting a new trac, thank you.
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