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Everything posted by gameboy

  1. gameboy

    MSAA bug!

    OK.Well Where is vladislavbelov ?
  2. gameboy

    MSAA bug!

    @vladislavbelov Today, I tested the MSAA patch and found a bug. My sea water was gone. When I started the MSAA 16x. There is also an error message: ERROR: GL error GL_INVALID_OPERATION (0x0502) occurred
  3. gameboy


    @vladislavbelov @Stan`
  4. @JasonFriday13 Thank you for all you have done for us. We would be very pleased if you could completely resolve the limitation of single file this month. Thank you for your help. @JasonFriday13 We are looking forward to your release of the latest version as soon as possible. We will not be bothered by the limitation of 2 gb per file.
  5. @Mr.lie This is indeed a place for improvement.
  6. gameboy


    @Mr.lie Can you provide me with this map file? I don't have this map.
  7. gameboy


    @vladislavbelov How are you going to deal with the problem, my friend?
  8. gameboy


    @Mr.lie I don't have the map you mentioned. Can you provide the map?
  9. @wowgetoffyourcellphone Can you submit a brand new map?
  10. gameboy


    @Mr.lie What did you do with the map?
  11. gameboy


    @Mr.lie Which map do you use?
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