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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. all can help you when game is Finish, is good idea to not Official mod, a Fan mod.
  2. I was 12 when i put aoE en my pc. never before i was play a RTS. play Actium was my first game and dont know what to do, obviusly i lose.
  3. make new whole concept based in aoe, an eastern egg.tha barrack made Rome Camp more primitive. huts are very easy and Civ Centre change mixes with Empire earth Concept.
  4. edit. i found same image XD. Quantum you beat me XD so fast now this other.
  5. force to Tip of the Day may be can be good solution
  6. i want that Barrack, Shut up and take my money
  7. create other topic, sounds interesting
  8. only works in only multiplayer. and is very basic, yet
  9. to add your suggestion, reveal enemy position or view enemy LOS if enemy lost all Civic Centres. like Starcraft 2 if enemy not rebuild a base they lose, except to map Nomade.
  10. thank you, i dont know how talking about Patch for contributor.
  11. what os use you. in win7 thee logs generates in C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\0ad\logs
  12. http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=15505&hl=%2Bgame+%2Bmodes&fromsearch=1
  13. WELCOME, A Open Sorce Programmer huh? you know our current task? http://trac.wildfiregames.com/query?status=assigned&status=new&status=reopened&milestone=Alpha+13&group=status&order=time You know about our Development Area? http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki
  14. I love Micheal's Arts Concepts, why don't start to work from one of them, of course if Michael can do or have time to make them.
  15. its a bug, if you have units block inside foundation, the building it don't start to rise HP and why the units doesn't END to build.
  16. maybe all guys that wants this change, all we can search some info how looks a Civ Centre in a New Colony. Romans and greeks are more easy. next step make drawing some layouts like to Michael's Arts concepts
  17. nice, Lordgood after Mauryan you think about work in this idea? with other all factions?
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