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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. yes, i was use in some situations the color to send messages, in this case a Colourful Paradise. and other could be more Dramatic.
  2. the rebels are like a Zombies, a mob very angy can be dangerous like a zombie wave.think about a Rebelion like Spartacus and Servile Wars. unrest grows like Rebelion of Jews in 70 AD.
  3. That Right the People even offended them with misc. things female clothes in some units, and other little things in this game. The People can be tolerant with other Culture symbols. this a Open Project not commercial as ban a symbol only for a group of wrong people uses as Symbols their wrongness.
  4. i think that, celts women can be huntress. and use bow.
  5. could be more real if they are Riots than zombies?
  6. all guys have same thinking, you are not Alone , but for now we have to Wait for mor civs.
  7. after update today. all maps, if you select any unit. WARNING: JavaScript warning: gui/session/selection_details.js line 20 reference to undefined property template.pack ERROR: JavaScript error: gui/session/selection_details.js line 20 TypeError: template.pack is undefined displaySingle([object Object],[object Object])@gui/session/selection_details.js:20 updateSelectionDetails()@gui/session/selection_details.js:292 onSimulationUpdate()@gui/session/session.js:375 onTick()@gui/session/session.js:259 __eventhandler42 (tick)([object Object])@sn tick:0
  8. not, for that, Pedro Falcao Speak but not ver Pefect but i Undrstand.
  9. good Info. in my Country they don't Build Walls.
  10. not im not say that, its for siege issue.
  11. i understand but i like think in many Indians that are in a RTS before. Olmecs, Zapotecs(AOE 3 Merceanries) etcs.They don't Build Walls like Stone Walls but i don't know if with wood. the better people can talk about Mayans are Guatemalan and Belice. my People from my Country in Wester Honduras are decent from Mayan Collapse they called their self Lencas. That people Fight Agains Spanish Conqueror and one Warlord (il Empira in Old Spanish) Lempira was the Hero, that battles, but he defeated by Spanish, and his Head cutt off.
  12. That is a replica from Temple Rosa Lila en my Country. The Temple its in Under ground, Down Other Building.
  13. i Can show the Message in a Screencapture and upload?
  14. that soo good u can be a Contributor . geek you may Check Audio List 5 Post i Uopload Some Tutorrial for Latin Voices
  15. yeah its Best Comunnity from an RTS, the team and we User/contributor make this game with Love, not Money, well a some little amoung money hahaha
  16. yes but we speak spanish he vist mexico and colombia.
  17. Obviusly . i mean the diplomacy, General's skills, Spies, may be capital Sudden Death. commands,
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