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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. but you can perfom control units in a battle. may becan be set in options.
  2. XD that Expliain all. if you know more guys like you... you know Recluit them.
  3. Josh , you know if exist a pluging for Sketchup for render Graphics?
  4. would be a Prank, you need do someything and: upss... what happes... Why i Train my UNits.. OMG im been sabotaged T-T.or the gate don't works and your city its rush because a Unit (Special Commando) Saboating the gates. i think that issue of Gates can be protecte if you put a Outpost near or Elite, guarding gates, maybe some stances can be used to catch out the Special Unit.
  5. what is most possible? a total war type campaing(strategy map per turns) or narrative?
  6. they want to make a new site before 2011
  7. Sabotage in a building like a ancient Black ops Mission , Steal intelligence(Technologies) for your faction.
  8. a timed a skill for move between Outpost. each level spy the time its long for doing this.
  9. of course, i thinks that too but, now we had more 3d modellers. Lordgood its one fastest
  10. you are very good create buildings, may be you can propose the Civ Center change in Every Phase.
  11. i agree with you, but i like see some Neutral that if you capture or put a Outpost change to your own and make Mercenaries(Cheap Units and Weak)
  12. is funny see the Evolution of Game, i remember when the game run very slowly. now run better but with 100 units per Faction.
  13. I Like that type ideas. that Unconvencional Warfare. put new level to naval gameplay for some factions. Same Thing can be work with a great ball of Fire (Or Rolling) to destroy a huge group of enemy soldiers.
  14. i didnt know that. very good idea. i like may be add Heroes and Champion units.
  15. yes that why always are guys, suggesting same topics in forum.
  16. some theses countries can answer a lawyer friend.
  17. ANd what are the unuts that are Visible. i like that, remembers me Starcraft Cloaked units, ghost that make mission, like Black Ops missions.
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