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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Sale pronto, nadie sabe, pero muchas de las tareas pendientes se pasaron a Alfa 16 y eso quiere decir que estamos muy cerca a días de la salida.Los pto. leemos tren de todo. Desde elefantes, Torres de asedio, balistas, caballería real, compañeros a pie, galatas, arqueros nubios, arqueros a camello.
  2. no creo que todavía esté con esas características. Ahora el que esta es un swordman pero no se parece. Voy probar con Los espadachines en el atlas, pero creo que este con los mismos stats. Puedes buscarlo en el Atlas o en el Mapa Demo de los Espartanos. esto es todo lo que hay. ya no existe esa unidad en el juego. This guy can know about a old unit and he wants know what happening with that.
  3. I closed the new and now to solved this one is http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2190 Why is hard to review a patch in order to commit?
  4. This can be in news vote for Indiedb of the year. http://www.indiedb.com/games/0-ad
  5. yeah but it's too much work and I like have a translation exactly from official one.
  6. But I'm one of last in knows. And I need translate it specially the new features in order to post in many sites.
  7. To ah you for the encouragement . But I want take anymore a official task. Only info. But I can participate in the Mods anyway.
  8. but you have a process to release. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/ReleaseProcess never mind, is a surprise.
  9. Not that i don't sure if its planned to garrison. you need ask for that one. you know some things are Design decision than a bug.
  10. Si me das el enlace, pero según lo que me has dicho, parece que los quitaron. English, this guy wants to know about a Spartan unit called "spartan homoioi", he saw in picture, but may be this was a long time ago when Hellenes are in same faction.
  11. Not all units are garrisonable in all Buildings, I thinks this a bug and we takl this one in the Trac. may be its needed open a ticket for this one. Edit: now we have a ticket for this one. I ear this issue is give some problem with some features. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2302
  12. Sorry if I don't feedback in Deviant Art, I don't check regularly. ok guys. if someone wants to do a portrait based in this Photo montage. may be with Ptolemy Helmet or something. Micheal like this one.
  13. This month but only developers knows and don't tell exactly what day.
  14. The 3 is not bad but needs something, the 6 can be but more like a horn and not so Artificial. 7 sounds like a Titanic's Horn, the other sounds like more for a Horror Survive game. its not bad but needs to be for 0.A.D.
  15. No son los que creas regularmente? Estas son las unidades Espartanas (lanceros) y sus evoluciones. por ultimo estan los Spartiates.
  16. 1 Phase sound reach. Example Rise of Nations 2 marvel has started. 3 marvel is finished. 4 Technology research complete 5 "Not enough resoruces" sound when trying to train/build something. 6 Sound for minimap flares (flares not implemented yet 7 Mine depleted" sound. 8"Healing unit" sound. 9 "Animal captured"/"unit converted" sound 10 "Hero unit trained" / "Hero unit death" sounds 11 "Battle noise sounds" <--- This could make a great addition to mid/big fights (people shouts, swords/armor hit sounds) 12 More (and better) unit death sounds 13 Diplomacy : Sound for diplomatic changes and tributes received 14 Trading rout complete.(more soft or may bediscrete) - Notification sound for resigned/defeated player - Sound for chat messages (I miss chat messages while in-game often) - Error sound for trying to build where is not allowed -- "Ang!" type of sound or something. ) - Gate lock/unlock (I think they're already in-game?) - Animal deaths / sounds (a lot of them are currently missing)
  17. Ok I suggest use Moddb to bring 1000 A.D ( Millenium) to the users and new contributors. - Have a github repo -sourceforge page. Facebook page or Fan page. And give a new to the Developers group. Rise of East is Development by Scion team. Aristeia is Development by Fallen Empires Studio. An example. http://www.moddb.com/mods/aristeia-civilization-bronze-pack Here you can see the team logo and Aristeia logo. Even there is more Pyroginesis supported games and users looking a mod to support.
  18. may be update the templates and the build.
  19. cual es? El elite?http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Civ%3A_Spartans No esta en el documento de diseño.
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