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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Mayorcete is very good Youtuber, is even better and funny in Spanish, when he is playing AoE 2 in his main channel, he jokes and makes team with player better than he, or with his Friend Matakito, Matakito many times save Mayorcete skin in battles (AoE 2 or Total WAr) but in another one he only get Mayorcete angry. They are trying to play with Pro gamers of AoE 2 HD like TaToH (one of top player). For now he isn't trying Multiplayer of 0 A.D. but unfortunely Matakito don't speak English, both are very funny.
  2. In the X Century there are conditions that allowed therise of the Mixtec culture. So Answers is not for 0AD may be for MIllenium AD
  3. provide more information, they look more important in the post classic. and how are their buildings? their warrior(Classic) Heroes? Wonders? Emblem?
  4. their emblem? thats not aztec? you know well than me. in late pre Classic/Classic age?
  5. Related with physics Ex team member and his first post
  6. My Italian classes are working to understand this guy, but not for reply him. He say: this thing is hard to explain in few words, the engine cant do the realistic physics. @elexis he wants you explain ( I'm not sure) in details why the engine can't. --------- you understand Spanish? I can understand mostly Italian. ------ yes I mean Elleni (Hellenes/ Helenos)
  7. So will be game mode with bunch of maps like Nomad, Random Land, etc.
  8. https://youtu.be/Ujdy8sPzUWE another in Spanish but YouTube don't let me embed the video.
  9. A banner, but a big one banner ( gameplay matters)
  10. Rome 2 : Total war too in their first patches and people start to complain about the games , it was more capture flag game. They called capture points and its was in non siege battles. But in 0 A.D is different, the main goal of a victory condition will be that.
  11. Was dificult to translate. The recent history 2012-2105(?) is not there is important the changes in those year from Michael D Hafer to Feneur again and Enrique take art Lead. And other initiatives where the volunteer can start to contributing without be team members 2012-2013.
  12. I know, but may be looks less femenine, it's a little detail but can be perceptual because the long dress.
  13. Mira qué raro solo el brazo es lo único que mueve como si fuera un animatronix, el resto del cuerpo se ve estático.
  14. Female building animations looks some robotic if you put let speed to the speed menu 0.5 or less, this not happen with men.
  15. About Ken Wood, Jason Bishop and Stuart, a mod team becomes a developer team first leaders, the main vision of game, early idea, about the creation of Pyrogenesis, the contact with mythos ruler , Heaven game relationship recruiting modders, first years of 0 AD. @feneur can you give old material interviews , about little biography of early founders. the history of Ken Wood is very interesting, I read some of their opinion and had very strong vision where the game would be or was. the people have in main a group of guys , modders that decided start a game but nobody know why are more that 15 years of development. I want tell the history in my 0AD blog.
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