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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. @wowgetoffyourcellphone Now you can ear in English Mayorcete voice.
  2. Units portraits mostly, I haven't much opinion on that, only needs try to become in a single uniformity style again, if mostly have new art that be mostly, unless new art will be quite"ugly"
  3. You ask for this guys , here is, Mayorcete playing in English, in his alternate channel.
  4. Boetian Helmet is complicated. And remember all this helmet have Phrygian version.
  5. You know how sensitive is the people in Internet. rember when banned from Apple Store Binding of Isaac, because Child abuse. and happens in 3DS console. http://www.cinemablend.com/games/Binding-Isaac-Banned-From-3DS-Breaking-Nintendo-Religion-Rule-58844.html https://steamcommunity.com/app/250900/discussions/0/405691491115961300/
  6. With new models all looks like beautiful. Enrique is a genius. stan never stop feed my love with this game.
  7. Delete kill... ...child in many countries this can be motive to ban in many countries. (In genocide) -----adds relics, control the marvel in middle of map , control ruins ( similar to last but with ancient ruins like classic AoE)
  8. Babylon city as one of pillars and Jewels in Persian crown must be in to the game, specially their architecture mixing cyan and yellow stone. like in Alexander RTS (2006)
  9. By the way I will open a topic in the mod to start making some ideas from icons. ----- Stan or you will be add stuff 3D from repository 3D made by Stan. Stan have work that are only in the repo other are right here in the forum try to move the helmets like Syrian and others to your mod in order to test it. ----- which icons are missing needs improved , yet?
  10. But the name of the tech will be... Lesbian, or Lesbic , Lesbish or "Masonery from Lesbos"
  11. Enrique is a Tank, that commit was crazy, a lot of changes even I can't count to many lines of changes.
  12. Yes, the icon techs are great but now the step is push the devs to use them.
  13. Ok, don't like city phase actual icons... first phase icon be humble like dark age icon in AOE in wood and painted may be second phase the icon will be more interesting, some leather or some bronze and iron , or stone. third phase we will use silver or gold more marble. your mod IV will be marble and gold. The number in gold and the square background in marble. like Caesar II or III style.
  14. Yes indeed, the better will be move the eagle down and make bigger add another elements to avoid unbalance the composition, edit the base shield to gain, another little percentage of space for main central composition. But that not be today I'm more focused in icons and portrait and another misc element. I need a feedback with colors. I'm not happy with that.
  15. 2 months... are you sure? probably 3 (A22)
  16. The meshes have many alphas there, but the animations of that meshes will be in A22. I'm not sure all meshes.
  17. I have little mistakes. and I haven't done with Justus suggestions.
  18. Concerning the color of Roman uniforms in general... http://historum.com/ancient-history/74258-praetorian-guard-uniform-2.html
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