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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Not accurate but interesting. Celtic elements with roman http://www.deviantart.com/art/Roman-Leather-Lorica-256867750
  2. yes, but can be nkce add some polygons and I can help with details.
  3. need a variation with brown stuff like the cape, the armor is chainmail in the picture can be nice add a scale armor (scamata) and dark(black) but very elegant crest. the face and other stuff look lika an Evocatus, fierce, rude.
  4. Roman Hero Helmet needs an update. the helmets are quite older.
  5. this hard to explain, in few words, the Engine cant do things like realistic physics. @elexis can explain the details why. with Ellenico you mean Hellenes right?
  6. I dont like the actual Roman hero. the helmet is older compared new stuff.
  7. I need complete the "props", need Lorica musculata and White Focale.
  8. https://www.flickr.com/photos/antiquitiesproject/4787570933
  9. generates most than one resource, that's the key.
  10. is normal see alternate version of Phillip from Macedon at foot-soldier? in regicide mode hace poco me salieron ambas versiones. a pie y a caballo.
  11. Alexander and Scipio is done. but I need improve Scipio helmet.
  12. @Enrique committed new icons, some were mine and I'm not sure if other contribute.
  13. @Itms add @wowgetoffyourcellphone To the credits. Several work from Delenda Est were updated.
  14. https://news.cnrs.fr/videos/neros-rotating-dining-room Roman semi wonder. Suggested in our Reddit.
  15. @FeXoR what you think about the distribution of this feature in RMS?
  16. It's possibly bring 0A.D to Voobly?
  17. http://aok.heavengames.com/cgi-bin/forums/display.cgi?action=ct&f=22,44151,0,365 yes indeed , he was banned from Heaven games.com, the reason: plagiarism.
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