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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. I need some triggers help with my map. and some modding. even a I need 3D assistant to have a building.
  2. All mods under council of modders have a common page in github. I was part of them, now I'm only volunteer. https://github.com/0ADMods
  3. I'm not the owner. Only I take request by Justus. He is the boss here.
  4. The github is used by @wowgetoffyourcellphone https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/delenda_est
  5. here is the file. is skirmish map. Battle of the Dirt.rar I dont remember how installing in normal version of the game. in Windows. C:\Users\#YOU#\Documents\My Games\0ad\mods\user\maps\skirmishes
  6. I'm who wants more and more, and we have artist How support our love for new faction, but they need advance with the project and left the faction for beyond.
  7. Matakito ( Mayorcete's) make this map for AoE 2, he plays regularly these days , so I ask him if I can go for this map in 0 A.D he is interested, he is testing the game. this map is for multiplayer, and consist in "be bad neighbor" stealing resources and bring Gaia hostile units in to the enemy territory, the center is protected by Gaia, but you can use tactics to make your own path or find the way to get with the center. in Matakito's version the other player build camps and houses in your territory to have gold, in my version this resource is in middle of two player, but like original map the gold mine is small, there are another similar with stone next to gold one. in Matakito version he puts powerful jaguars and "Iron boar"(700 hp). So I added some hostile War dogs and Hero elephants and plenty enemies, in order to have a imitation of bring enemy Gaia into other players base. you start with female villager and some male slaves. an elephant worker to help you to steal resources. primal resources some far than regular map.( 0 A.D maps) this resources are in the rear. the map symbolize the dirty of a peasant : the poverty. So the setting must be 150 pop and lowest resources at starting. the map is skirmish unlike matakito's version. Matakito explore the center to bring jaguar to the Mayorcete base, other player do the same and fight against each other. my first test was 1v1 and take an hour the second test was 2-3 hours free for all 6 players (Ai).
  8. test 1 v1.2 be careful to found a treat like a neutral Hero. steal is the key to survive.
  9. the dangerous center map starting units... whole map.
  10. The Gaia beast protect the center, resources. The players start with low resources Gaia beast can be used to attack another player base.
  11. The name is from Spanish "batallas en la inmundicia" the players stars with very low resources, plenty enemies even players vs enviroment. free for all battles the objetive is controls the center of the map and steal other players resources. but the center of this map have plenty of most powerful savage beast. Can be champions or heroes in our case and some beasts. this map will be based in AoE 2 map by Matakito ( Mayorcete's friend) , I talk about proposition, he is interested.
  12. I'm exploring some ideas from AoE community in steam workshop. A friend of Mayorcete do interesting maps, im intriguing about capture the flag...
  13. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/1ggs4m/today_our_planet_is_called_earth_but_what_other/?st=ixztie1d&sh=9fbd39d3 https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-most-ancient-names-for-the-planet-Earth
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