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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. I saw the video few days ago. Because I'm follow the development of empires apart.
  2. In Delenda Est, is a good point, you can go for resources that are far, but if the enemy starting to fight with you for them, you can create a CC to have full access and exclusivity to drain that resource and secure the zone.
  3. We need hybrid and improved experience and stats system. economy stats, if this experience or stats are increased the unit is bad as fighter. military stats / experience, like current bad villager if they have higher level of experience. in some way like the RPG game, you can't mastery all stats. Other solution is have more variety of roles, like DE. female villager slaves---( this concept can be improved) peasants ( villagers) that can defends with a knife or a club. Suits for some cultures. militia :very mediocre military unit, like a policeman or patroller even a watchman, many of citizen units can kill him. ( similar to militia vs villagers in AOK) citizen soldier:basic , advanced, elite, like actual but may be switch mode, like was suggested by another users in this forum. profesional soldier = champion Champion= a semi Hero that serves to Hero to defend him, an elite version of champion. Basically a promoted champion. ( similar to EE2 Art of Supremacy) Hero=Heroes.
  4. Con q el poco tiempo lordgood es el único, no habla español, enrique pasa muy ocupado, Stanislas no habla español pero tiene buena experiencia. De allí no hay nadie.
  5. I'm not expert in the matter, my mistake was think you were aware this comments, I think they are related with FAQs. this tiny segment of people are relevant in youtube and I observer this over years. Even some people ask if we are using their art.( I know the answer...).
  6. When a army was in war... may be in critical situation? ( Winter in enemy territory)
  7. Pregunta, aquí hay mucha gente que sabe usarlo.
  8. This video open my curiosity. https://youtu.be/wyqnWN8XWPg is style art? the game don't uses isometric view, by default. are textures same style? for example EE1,and RoN for me aren't even similar but some little things, are familiar in Bang! Engine, now we have AOM Extended edition. They improved the engine. Sonwe found together a answer for fans, even for trolls.
  9. I'm not thinking in that way. About taking code from engine, you don't similitares is obviously but the people and says, things. like: look like AOM. its that AOE 3 mod? its that AOE engine? the RTS camera yeah can be, but I'm asking type brightness. gaming common sense of realism? My point is have a base when people say this. Even have some engine features, you asked some to technical forum, don't you? so that things that I'm not expert I'm talking.
  10. this can be used by two guys and its not the only technique.
  11. So this the concept of territory...lol


  12. Me and other guy voted thiiS pool ideas. Basically the same thing. if is implemented there are many question. How and which map should be change? (1&3) related RSM.
  13. te dejo este otro link. Tal vez este foro te ayude un poco. https://www.foro3d.com/f12/blender-o-3ds-max-109243.html
  14. Batching a battalion of 3 guys, sounds looks like this.



  15. Don't have some feature that the people thinks the illumination or graphic are similar?
  16. Te doy otro tutorial lo veo casi igual pero con otros atajos. primero aprende el movimiento de cámara. luego el modo edición de polígonos.
  17. But... I'm not like 3 guys for a forest, that be nice for Sid Meier's Civilizations kind of games.
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