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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. I have some close idea. yes I did I don't like some implementations in DE, like Glory resource, get the game a feeling like AoM. or the unbalanced imperial Rome. I love keep the 0 A.D feeling.
  2. Abilities aren't into the game. Partian tactics aren't implemented yet. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2577
  3. La unidad tiene ya visualmente en su última forma los 3 arqueros.
  4. A city with interesting architecture from preclassic https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palenque is very remarkable and iconic those buildings.
  5. Make a new post this a little off topic, or non related.
  6. I saw this in community from Aoe in Steam, have the idle villagers with a symbol over
  7. I agree with @av93 there must be main standards classes. Calvary beat misile infantry and support units and some siege units infantry can beat cavalry and siege units except may be splash area damage units misile can beat infantry. Siege can deal with mostly of classes but are slower and no much armor, but siege can deal with defenses and buildings. Champion must be advanced unit with special features. But can be countered by their class. same for heroes. In AOK for example Condottiero is the version of Champion ( last upgrade of swordsman) with bonus vs gun power units. Plumed Mayan, Longbow , Rattan Archer are different version of basic archer with own bonuses. The Mayan is fast and infantry killer, longbow have very long range and Rattan is heavy armored archer that can tank in a siege attack. and there are units can counter their natural counter like Cataphract have bonus vs infantry or Genoese Crossbow with bonus vs cavalry. http://ageofempires.wikia.com/wiki/Armor_Class:_Unique_Unit http://ageofempires.wikia.com/wiki/Unique_Unit_(Age_of_Empires_II)
  8. But they don't start with that feature to the start.
  9. We have a trac / wiki http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GettingStartedProgrammers
  10. No, I mean, The ai see everything. -women becomes militia, I don't see that in mostly our factions.
  11. The ai don't need scout. They see all explored.
  12. En que sentido? Podrías ser más específico.
  13. That a problem a I have blurry to much or Sharped to much, and I worked a higher resolution than the final product so is difficult, because must work in icon size, so portrait size and all look good. the last romans guys are modular than Alexander portrait , was Alexander actual psd work is a single layer, and was one most frustrating work, because my technique used in Ptolemy wasn't work for Alexander, so I implemented have a draw version in iPad ( sketch and photoshop version and try merging both, the result Games a real guy total different from the start, but all is my subjective point of view.
  14. Nope but they are inspirational not are same guys are like I'm using only for inspiration. There are differences.
  15. Relax , I was taking a bath. I answered
  16. Why not this guys, no much references, etc etc, nor statues with that face, etc.
  17. Same process, but who is this actor? This have some GTA style -Comic because strokes and the outlines.
  18. Multi-cultural slaves and defeault skirmish slave , the actual is Athenian and only creates Athens buildings.
  19. My other technique I use with the other Romans guys , Fabius and Marcellus. draw based in similar guy but without statue, less realistic.
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