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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Here is.. This can be useful. https://svn.wildfiregames.com/public/art_source/trunk/art/.
  2. you have link of art repo I lost it a year ago.
  3. That was the helmets lol. But can be useful for others.
  4. You make melee variation? Sword. Lancer... Im not sure wich other weapon or tactics they use.
  5. both sounds interesting specially capture audio or some edition. Photogrhy for some textures to work (Seamless or to become.)
  6. Needs some imperfections and props. The tower is too much square, thats why look some bored.
  7. I gonna take some little task for personal project mods or related to icons, sketches, textures.
  8. We included in semi official mod. Not ordibary or regular mod. Qin Dynasty can be interesting for that mod.
  9. Simulation can be affect the performance.
  10. https://forums.ageofempires.com/t/horrible-performance-issues/54441/15
  11. Yo con Resident Evil HD. Todavía me falta un poco en las texturas.
  12. Almost every soldier must know how throw a little stone. You must know there people working inside the defense structures you need assume that, or who open the gates and doors to let them in?
  13. Almost every soldier must know how throw a little stone. You must know there people working inside the defense structures you need assume that, or who open the gates and doors to let them in?
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