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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. And Historian expert. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Loades
  2. Oh my god... May be i need wait to try or test this game.
  3. MS is abandoning AoE 1 again... Sad. https://forums.ageofempires.com/t/future-of-age-of-empires-definitive-edition/63438/4 That's why 0 A.D covers great that hole.
  4. Defensive , walled CC. A stronghold. Similar to age of mythology. https://ageofempires.fandom.com/wiki/Fortified_Town_Center I remember ear this for first time by @Mythos_Ruler he is AoM fan. And is or was planned in original diagram. https://ageofempires.fandom.com/wiki/Citadel
  5. this is an updated planned building set.
  6. For those who don't know we had that concept before Empires Apart. It occurred to us in the Terran buildings of Starcraft. Although the merit of implementing it in a historical rts, was Empires A Dawn of new age from Stainless Steel Studios. You realize that Empires Apart did not implement this idea well, when you see that their civilization did not plan a nomadic defense idea. Here's a comment I read in the AoE 4 forum.
  7. @Alexandermb vamos a necesitar algunos iconos tenemos demasiado "place holder" en ese pequeño departamento de 0 A.D. Con la armadura de hierro para heroes seria necesaria cambiarla por una lorica musculata.
  8. Isn't bad idea for modding gui... A tip is pressing "." Button as maniac.
  9. With new balance some things are very obscure and we can take this new balance as oportunity. Can be nice use this topic to talk other classes. Like axe throwers, maceman, axeman, twohanded axeman, pole arms etc.
  10. Mayans and Aztec have a Neolithic military technology, the Incas were starting to work Bronze. The rest of civs from America were worst than that.
  11. This mean AoE 4 is made for selling new computers (expensive) lincensed by Microsoft Windows 10.
  12. Fixed for A24. There isnt a worry with this, you can take down with spearman, swordman or any melee units included cavalry. To take down you will need at last 6 units per ram.
  13. The problem with fire reload so much quick is something we were guessing before, the powerful of the fire on long range.
  14. They change many things and re write the gui text , in this moment my svn is in Spanglish but I dont use special characters, like asian.
  15. Better i want realize the dream of @Obskiuras he wants that faction in the game (at last with classic gamestyle)
  16. Why terra magna is Ascendants exclusive?
  17. Which of them? Ascendant or Besieged? Suebians are from Augustus timeframe.
  18. No, for terra magna isn't. Unless you planned terra magna ii part.
  19. include Suebians from DE.
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