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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. the religious depends on a mathematical formula. similar to AoE, Where more failed attempts to convert, the more difficult it is.
  2. there must be 3 types of conversion. Religious. By a priest not all vive are missionaries. But there are cults that capture the imagination. Those who come from the Middle East and India have a lot to say. Mitraism, Mystical philosophies, cult to Isis, some times Judaism, Buddhism. Bribery. The other is loyalty by money. It depends on loyalty. Submission. That of an animal or a slave. Instant capture if the master is not there.
  3. I like the distinction between armor, heavy and light troops.
  4. It's looks like a guitar. ( Artistic perspective).
  5. you have to make a list of missing tips in loading screen.
  6. I was thinking of a drawing. Similar to icon crown and skull in statistics but more epic. A big drawing. Don't be but something that gives this feeling.
  7. Torching? I think you need a math formula and some buildings an immunity.
  8. What sound could it be? I don't want to mimic the blow whistle from AoE IV.
  9. Someone already opened the wish topic for A27?
  10. Yesterday I was playing with them so... what about upgrade military colony into full CC?
  11. which is the icon concept that will be used for the academy?
  12. You should be able to tourchin the building if it's flashing. An option to burn it.(me again with pyromania)
  13. Is a traditional at this point. Que paso?
  14. giving the hero a whole development is interesting like an rpg like Warcraft.
  15. Yes Should be able to train defensive units. And technologies for the defense of borders.
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