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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. by the way we don't have a siege ram for Han.
  2. We are going to make a list of things that we have and another of those that are missing.
  3. A new concept for me. I saw this in some Korean armor and some Kushans (Yuanzhi) armor.
  4. you have to examples of these weapons?
  5. The problem is that the current cursor has a good size and volume. It will be difficult to replace. The others are excellent. ------ there should be a cursor for attack move units only (control+Q click). Maybe a variant of current Control+ Click ( normal attack move).
  6. Yemen War vs Arabian Saudi. https://news.un.org/en/story/2020/12/1078972 but It is not of interest to US American or Europeans. They probably don't know that this is one of the worst crises in the world.
  7. they need some variation to avoid looking like helmets or black turbans.
  8. we are neutral, we are not lobbying for NATO.
  9. I haven't considered organic units for fire damage yet.
  10. there are some buildings that should have damage reduction technologies. Technologies do no harm. have more tech is good for the game.
  11. @Stan` we can add them to the eyecandy mod.
  12. Full Armor (Protection) Fortress Walls (except Palisades) Parcial armor Towers CC. Temple. Less Armor anything made by stone. Marvels/Wonders No armor Houses Markets Fields. Farmsteads. Warehouse. Armory/Arsenal/Blacksmith
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