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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. I am sure that it is very impractical to go around on a battlefield showing the figure to many angry and blood thirsty men who haven't a wife(woman) for a long time. Most would see them as "reward" of war.
  2. They also cover the abdominal part well. Gladiatrix armor.
  3. the only thing that changes is that it is loose and for her breasts they wears a kind necklace.Gives more support to the shoulders.
  4. I thought of Scythians. And more barbarian women. (Celts, Germans, Illiryans, Getae, Dacians, Thracians.
  5. Someone for some reason dedicated himself to uploading Iberian female warriors. These catch my attention, it's how we supposed women in chain mail. (Sorry there aren't bikinis) just reality, loose chain mail. Are they Celto-Iberian? @Genava55 Although this has little historical accuracy (female regular soldier) , it gives us grounds for assuming the comfort of the female body in armor.
  6. going back to the topic. It would look great on queens of the Balkans. The Illyrians had a queen I forget the name.
  7. The reliefs leave less to the imagination.
  8. sorry for The off topic but... I had already touched on how demeaning Evony's publicity was. sorry mod team for filling this sacred page with impure things. https://gamezandlife.blogspot.com/2009/11/evolution-of-evony-with-pictures.html?m=1
  9. Since there is not much archeology, we are going to reconstruct and speculate.
  10. By the way I'm creative and artist so I'm not a guy of numbers and code but I can feel the gameplay. And I'm modder too in same role of testing and suggesting.
  11. we must define a few axes as well. Units roles/ counter(soft and hard). Asymmetrical RTS(yes or not) and how? And future planned features. And redesign unpolish gameplay (capture, siege, naval units).
  12. Why? PD: you think they are the Mesoamericans and corn can be made something different (btw)
  13. I mean official when it's finished. Nope, only planned.
  14. It's a bit off topic but... more circus. This will go on the topic of Globalism.
  15. the new story of the media are the aliens. more circus and more ignorance.
  16. Igual los Mayas del clásico se derivaran de está facción. Lo de los japoneses si va ser una sorpresa.
  17. eso depende de donde sea la mayoría de auaudiencia. Translation: That depends on where the majority of the audience is. La mayoría que piden Japoneses son Otakus.
  18. Que tiene de malo?. Aquí has visto cuando vienen a pedir más facciones. Lo más pedido son. Chinos. Aztecas. Incas. Mayas. Japoneses. Asirios/Babylonios. Reinos de Israel. Partos. Egipcios dinasticos. Alguna tribu Iberá. Alguna facción Árabe.
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