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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by MishFTW

  1. You need 5 posts to get PM privileges. Just a safety measure against spammers.
  2. @DarkJedi, I'd lean towards using Sanskrit over Hindi for the ones you where you gave bilingual names.
  3. As you requested. Its not that great and I couldn't decipher some of your handwriting. I just traced over it. In hindsight, I should have added a legend. But its just a rough copy.
  4. There are a bunch of great ideas here, but realistically speaking, I don't think all these factions would be ready by release time. Why not just have some assets for these and include them in campaigns? Then later you could download full extensions.
  5. Since this page made my browser crash (along with another 6 tabs I had), I've decided not to embed the video. The music and imagery just flow together beautifully.
  6. So far I think we're doing great, all the other stuff can wait until we reach Beta or get a new GUI system perhaps. I especially like the civ emblem under the player name.
  7. Welcome to the forums! In regards to the in game UI suggestions, those are slated for implementation before Part 1. The separate suggestions forum has come up before (here) but there was never a solid resolution. And finally on the speed issue, I disagree with you. It seems more logical for a group of soldiers to move faster in formation because they are basically marching.
  8. I really like the distinct "ramp" feature leading down to the small beach on the island. Some great siege action here... if only the AI could handle water... Alternatively you could make the island player the AI by default and give it some great fortifications. The player would then have to sack the island.
  9. If only one could scale mountains That would a wonderful siege. An onslaught of 1000 Romans with the Celts dropping boiling water on them.
  10. Nice start dude. If I may suggest something, could you create some more space for the player on the ring? And be sure to keep us updated. I'd say island (if the AI could handle water) because its an attack from all sides. Unless you had good fortifications. But then again, its 100 vs 300 and you have a tactical disadvantage. But it could be argued both ways.
  11. How feasible is a new GUI system? Doesn't have to be top priority or anything but what Jason described above seems pretty wicked.
  12. The new website will have a humans.txt included so no worries
  13. Is it not possible with the current code to detect screen size and render the GUI based on the screen size? The GUI could be split on smaller screens and converged to the center on larger screen, with user override via options of course. "Responsive" GUI if you will.
  14. I agree, best layout as of yet. Regarding the space issue, could not the whole GUI be slightly increased in size (maybe even by 10% could do the trick). If not, the best option is at the moment to go with the numbers/letters for stats.
  15. I like that. But they shouldn't run in Aggressive/Violent stances either.
  16. Welcome to the forums I take Latin too. I just finished level 2 and I plan on completing level 4 (AP/Vergil).
  17. Personally I would like to keep it the way it is not just because of the consistency aspect but also because the Romans were one of the best military forces in the ancient world.
  18. Greetings Joel! (and welcome to the forums) Could you please add me to the list as well? I enjoy a good story anytime.
  19. I like the idea of an altar. Just one question, when does work begin? I might like to try out something with Blender but it wouldn't be too great (haven't touched it since late 2010).
  20. The question now: when will the ranks be updated?
  21. Something like selecting troops and using [/] or arrow keys to trigger as its also used for buildings.
  22. This may sound dumb... but why cant we use sliding panels the same we do for the menus. A full tech tree could go on a sliding panel, as well as battle plans, or diplomacy. Either that or use dialog boxes... Well this could just be a tree displaying all the items but that would be a bit redundant if the buildings have it.
  23. Nice points, nice mockup As for textures used, personally I think they're too ornate (specifically the frames). Also, the menu button just looks oddly placed. The menu could be moved over to the center; the emblem could activate the menu. While the user hovers over the emblem, a transparency mask is applied with "MENU". On click, a neat banner could animate and present some options. Thoughts?
  24. I tried it and it worked for me. I refreshed and even logged out. Using Chrome 19.
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