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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by MishFTW

  1. Looks sweet. And, are the auroras going to be real (or is it just for description)?
  2. The little things that make the game more enjoyable Thanks for suggesting it Juan, and thanks for implementing it Omid.
  3. Its good to have a preview thread if you update it accordingly with the weekly reports to include the latest content. Personally I think its too much management for whoever (in this case you) chooses to put this together. But go for it if you want to, its a neat tradition And if we're previewing... how about some name suggestions?
  4. Works smoothly with Alpha 10. And not as laggy anymore.
  5. If there are serious issues, we could switch over to another provider. Lets hope its not
  6. Amazing work so far! If only the units could swim... for the civs with prominent navies, that should be an option... swimming archers would be epic
  7. Sounds epic. But on a side note, have you heard of Leap? Its more accurate. It hasn't been released fully yet, but they seem open to developers.
  8. Yeah, the two buttons help people like me
  9. Cause its ugly Back on topic, Kenobi that grandiose market looks neat. Why can't we create multiples as we did for the houses? I mean I know there is a thing about distinct look but it wouldn't hurt to have two versions of the market. (For people like me who trade with themselves, some variety would look nice among the rows of markets.) But thats just an extra thing, low priority...
  10. We discussed it internally and the rationale was that insulae were more Imperial rather than Republic. And insulae would be a better choice for a city phase. Villae would be great for the towns though
  11. Karttikeya. Hindu god of war. I don't think any other name would be more apporopiate for a war game I was just searching for gods of war when I stumbled upon this. I highly doubt anybody would be offended by this name.
  12. While we're on the topic, Unity's Terrain Toolkit has some cool features we could borrow. Nice work myconid
  13. The Colosseum was really Imperial Rome so I don't think it would be appropriate in Part 1. While we are at it, ziggurats and pyramids would make excellent choices for wonders!
  14. If I may interject, if we do this it would only be fair to include the different types of Roman houses. The normal domus, the insulae (apartments) and the large country houses (villas).
  15. Yeah this was bothering me too much so I created a bookmark (in Chrome ) Edit: never mind, it doesn't work.
  16. I like wraitii's concept. Many games I've played have a similar level selection menu. It is detailed yet in a nice layout that is pleasing to the eyes. With a little touch up from the GUI/Art departments this concept would improve the level selection menu for the better
  17. Now that is more realistic. But in turn, to counterbalance realism, you would need alot of food to create this unit.
  18. Thanks for helping me waste over 45 minutes on YouTube
  19. I think switching to rmgem for simulations has been discussed before. Personally I think its a great idea; more variety. But not all the maps have to randomly generated (e.g. campaigns, certain scenarios, etc).
  20. Circuit walls anyone? Now that they are in place... I usually do a long spiral
  21. Yes, Guptas would be the most logical choice in Part 2 to replace Mauryans. Also, the trading cart should not be driver by a cow per se but rather an ox.
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