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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by MishFTW

  1. The last build of Leopard (10.5.8) was published on August 31, 2009. Consider it obsolete. With the advent of Mountain Lion this summer, consider Snow Leopard to be history as well.
  2. If you created a Trac account, then you should. Nice patch BTW, this would be better than the little message that shows up.
  3. Part 1 of 0 AD will focus on 500 BC-1AD. Technically Egypt was under the three different factions in our time frame so no point in adding it. Achaemenid Egypt: 525 to 402 BC and 343 to 332 BC Ptolemaic Egypt: 332 to 30 BC Roman Egypt: 30 BC to AD 395
  4. Thanks. Hope the new build system will allow me to compile myself. Then I'll owe Ben 3 times
  5. A Roman spy would be a speculator. In Latin class we're translating Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic Wars and it was on the vocabulary list
  6. Dude... when I saw it I was like... WHOA! Specular maps add a nice shine. And the research stuff is nice. I do have one question. Can keep the app update by replacing the mods/public folder with newer versions? Or will that break the app? Edit: An error at start up about wrong chipset (supposed to be Intel HD 3000) but I dont see any consequences or such during gameplay.
  7. If you could, that would be great Just post it here, I'm trying to get all the Mac links in one place.
  8. Even if we don't get roads or that building placement system I suggested a while back, we will get that terrain flattening fix. (The buildings wont "fly" or sink.) On the other hand, Part 2 could be a great place to introduce all those features on top of the war/economy aspects And Octavian, I think campaigns will be much more eventful as they will have objectives/goals for the player.
  9. Is anyone willing to compile an SVN Mac version for me? My machine cant handle compiling the game.
  10. That would seem logical. It would get rid (partially) of the "floating" building anomaly I've mentioned before.
  11. Nice play on words there, but it would still be "iacta"
  12. We should engage in battle via multilayer some day. Would be interesting to beat you and burn your cities to the ground "We apologize for any destruction in advance"
  13. Quick update? For those of us without the SVN version of course. Much appreciated
  14. Here is the entire name suggestions thread.
  15. I know this is out of the 0 AD time frame, but I just had to share this. Don't know about the historical accuracy but it looks pretty legit. Enjoy http://youtu.be/_EPc6Gn9-zs
  16. Yeah, with Alpha 9 I wasn't impressed with the Romans when the failed to conquer Carthage; I ended up burning them to the ground And it only gonna get better with the new walls
  17. Yes, a mod would be terrific. Most of the art required can be adapted. The Indus Valley can be derived from the Mauryan Indians, and the Minoans relate to the Hellenes, and the Mesopotamian civs can relate to the Persians.
  18. Oh goodie! It's always been my dream to get crushed by not one, but eight bots
  19. I AM A TURTLE! Unless I'm too lazy But until walls are implemented, I'm using this strategy instead.
  20. I would but I don't meet the requirement. My comment: all those circuit walls look easily impregnable to me
  21. You're funny Michael. Welcome to the forums Shirish.
  22. Great job. This map adds some nice challenges for the player. If you control the middle, you control the entire map. Some suggestions: If you're going to give the Carthaginians a wall, give them a nice one Add some wall turrets and a gate. Also, try placing some of the units in a uniform manner. For example, I didn't notice my troops until a few minutes in the game. (Didn't look at the minimap )
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