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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by MishFTW

  1. Those Roman themed screenies are looking sweet dude I'm really excited! And @tribalbeat: press "g" to toggle the GUI.
  2. Iaculus. This one is derived from iaculum (spear). It's associated with small serpeant or dragon, also called the javelin snake. At this point, since we have so many suggestions, why not make a poll?
  3. Established some ground rules, thanks Michael. See what my 15 archers did! And I was going to build a central 'plaza' where the archers are standing, but alas, ran out of time.
  4. @Ben, don't worry about Mountain Lion just yet. Save that for summer
  5. Unzip file, then put in : (Descomprimir el archivo, a continuaciĆ³n, poner en:) 0ad/data/mods/public/maps/random
  6. Besides roads, I would also like to make the suggestion of a cool building placement system. I know its a game of ancient warfare, but whats wrong with building neatly? After all, many citys were neatly planned. What I propose is a GUI option that displays the grid when the player selects a building to construct. This grid should correspond to the game engine's tiles already (no brainer) but also allow for building snapping. In my opinion, its a lot neater. But this doesn't have to be the primary focus of the game; its better suited for development after Part 1 is finished. But on a side note: the terrain flattening issue should be addressed much sooner
  7. To be honest, I did it for laughs And no, I don't think it would carry a good message, but that is why we have irony!
  8. Dude, I cant wait to play the Nile! Please commit this soon!
  9. So Iulus is somewhat crossed out because of Julius Caesar not being in the release (although Ascanius - son of Aeneas - went by this name too) Ianus is definitely crossed out because of the connotations Imperium is cool but its Republic Romans Iupiter also seems pretty legit. Out of those four, I still like Imperium though. But some new suggestions (had to pull out my Latinn book for these) Iaculum (Roman javelin or short spear)Iratus OR Irata OR Iratum (angry, wrathful)Infortunium (misfortune - what happens to Carthage after Romans show up )Inveteratus (long standing - describes Rome)Incontenica (lack of restrain - Romans couldn't help expanding )
  10. Nice clips Pureon, I'm gonna have some fun with the new Roman ballista And Michael, that could be some really good PR stuff. (hi-res implied)
  11. Welcome to the game! Psst! I love ancient history too!
  12. Actually the one wraitii complied was great, but since MegaUpload has been closed, you can't get it. I just tweaked it with some extra maps and AI and the icon. You can download it here. (~360 MB ZIP) The app is located in 0 A.D./data/ If you need to configure screen resolution, etc, open data/config/default.cfg
  13. Well you can borrow my copy, it works fine (minus atlas and music)
  14. Verify your accounts!I couldn't create a ticket before I verified my account... so naturally I came here to report it. But then things changed
  15. I was just going for it because it would look nice with the Romans And the trade bonuses and speed increases count, I guess.
  16. Another crazy idea: roads. It would be pretty sweet to build roads. For example, the Romans could build roads between several civ centers for easier military transport. But I guess its better suited for campaigns (especially for Rome)
  17. How about once the staples are gone, you get some extra metal (like battle loot); it just appears in the ribbon without you being aware?
  18. Yes, although Unity doesn't do that by default. But I can convert it.
  19. I'm one of the unfortunate few who haven't played with the Atlas yet.Yes, this question seems premature, but I'll ask anyways. I was wondering if we can import our own terrain into the game engine. What I had in mind was to use Unity3D and then export the terrain's height-map as RAW and then import it into the game engine. Would this even be possible with the Atlas? Specifically, I just want some old terrains from previous experiments and switch them over to maps for 0 AD. Thanks
  20. Alpha 8, which I believe is r10803? On Mac OS X 10.6.8. I think it has something to do with the .pmp file, its marked a document, not a UNIX executable like the others. I'll download it again. With Jubot: errors in buildingcon With qBot: errors in queue
  21. I like it. This is gonna be a good map for building my city
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