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Everything posted by akya

  1. true, because everyone must pass by that state at no one knows what happens after. I voted social situations, cause I've been opressed by ppl all my life and I'm always trying to help everyone even if in return, they hurt me
  2. for the third time in a row have fun Aldaron
  3. lol like who ? come to think of it, I would like to be a ninja or something like the girl in Crouching tiger hidden dragon...(the older one, she's stronger )
  4. good for you ZeZar and yep, I think I did improve my english, although I always had great grades in school... maybe I could say that I improved my vocabulary
  5. I really have no idea...maybe a fighter or something... any suggestions ?
  6. akya


    yes, here's the link http://forums.wildfiregames.com/wfg/index....t=0entry10946 maybe a moderator could close this topic then...
  7. I do support the idea although I don't want you to think it's for personnal reasons (had a warning a few months ago). I think that if ppl make mistakes then correct them, there is no reason why you shouldn't remove warnings. I do suggest though that you keep those warnings in memory...like a forumer or a member could behave well for a month then start again. You should still have a copy of the warning, not displayed on the forum, but just to keep track of the ppl. (uh, was I clear ? tell me if I'm not)
  8. action movies with some sort of historical, fantasy, sc-fi components in it
  9. lol 8 hours of sleep ? or 8 hours to celebrate Brian's birthday ? @Brian : what did you get for your birthday ?
  10. no problem with a man crying It proves that you're still human I know what you're talking about (although I didn't see the film yet...) they talked about it on Oprah... really seems like a good film, I'll go soon and check it out
  11. @ Black Op: got 5 hours of sleep...I think I'll sleep half a day tomorrow
  12. Just noticed at the bottom of the page, that it was Brian's birthday today 15 yrs old. Hope you enjoyed your birthday, had a nice cake and tons of gifts. Happy Birthday !! Party ! [edit] for me it's already tomorrow [/edit]
  13. dragons I have stuffed animals, posters of them, drawings, hats with a dragon illustrations, t-shirts, everything lol
  14. films, books, games ? uhm...shoes, clothes, new computer ...something related to sports, a camera, a pet... can't think of anything else. Hope this helps
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