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Everything posted by akya

  1. Congrats Bernd I'm glad you succeeded As for all you other guys, quit it, now. It is proven that in 3 weeks you can get much better and the body can reverse almost all the effects, but there a point where the body is too weak to try and reverse all the damage smoking has done. Don't get to that point !!
  2. I don't understand DA, if you don't add enough punctuation, then, you end up with non-stop sentences. My english is not too bad I will always try to help if I have the time
  3. Same here. But I sometimes, get so frustrated (because something is not perfect enough) that I just abandon the project. Luckily, I'm less perfectionnist then I was in my early teens (sp ?)
  4. Welcome back Black Op, j'espère que tu t'es amusé @Eken : you mean you don't know where to put them ?
  5. I don't like when men use their "male status" to convince people that their opinion is better than that of a woman.
  6. buy a nice little house (not a million dollar one) with everything (food, furnitures, clothes etc). And a lot of books. maybe a computer. Then I would put the rest in the bank so I won't need any more money for the rest of my life
  7. I would take the house and all that and keep the frog as a pet :P lol
  8. let's say it was a guy who was passing by I would still take the boat and go back home with or without the guy (if he decides to stay can't do nothing about it). And I would pay a visit to shykre to ask why he didn't search for me
  9. why would I take the girl lolol yeah, I would get the boat and go back home
  10. lol There also the fact that you guys don't like to be beaten by girls especially concerning games or...whatever so we usually don't display our strengh that much
  11. mainly by the username, also by the avatar but less...
  12. What I don't like about men ? They are too strong sometimes I just wish I could win a hand to hand combat
  13. nope I have one in my room, and a few in my photo album, that's all In fact, in my room I have more dragons (statues, photos, drawing etc.) than photos of shykre
  14. lol I feel weird since I'm a girl and I don't do any of those things...but in the same way, it's sooo much better. I dislike ppl who just put photos of Leonardo Di Caprio all over their albums and agenda and everything... there only 1 in a million chance they will ever meet the guy.
  15. they consider shopping(sp?) as a sport (most of them that is...I don,t like shopping )
  16. All three books of Tolkien and the 7 books of "Les Rois Maudits" (The darned kings...I'm not sure what)...that's for leisure...don't have anything for school.
  17. I've won a bronze medal by writing a story for a competition.
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