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Everything posted by akya

  1. I understood ZeZar currently -24°C, -30°C with wind factor. But we have sun.
  2. -30°C today and with the wind factor, supposed to be -40°C long live Quebec !
  3. I don't think it is one word. Rather two with only one f in of of course... & btw, uw @DA : I forgot the a and misplaced the e in appropriately thanks
  4. just noticed you had the same avatar maybe it's time I change mine
  5. @Klaas : @chichigrande : approprietly (I think...)
  6. Since you've done so much to improve your english ZeZar, reputation akya
  7. @LD : lol I think you guys summed up most of it. I hope all goes well at your prom ZeZar. Oh and the most important thing : Respect her, her choices, her personnality and don't try to change her so she "fits" your needs
  8. well, I'm studying a lot of physics and mathematics for now...failed one course unfortunatly. But I'm gonna do it again and I also have electronics...then it's off to University. We'll see
  9. @DA,LD & Klass : lol I met shykre while I was in my first year of CEGEP(college to keep it simple).
  10. yep I like Alex's idea as well plus I have a little less experience in photoshop than in story writing so it would be a good way to practice
  11. yeah, but it's a little bit difficult to keep track of all the people and remember who is who and what he does in life and such...
  12. I think I'd become an engineer specialised in spacecraft (sp?)
  13. He's born in 1979 (according to his profile) so...25 yrs old
  14. Happy birthday Mythos_Ruler ! I hope you have a great time Party !
  15. yeah, but all the thoughts must be originally from you. Even if it's a Gondor soldier or anything...
  16. Story writing contest 1000 words max short story subject : medieval war. You are a soldier and you have 2 hours before the battle starts. Describe your life, your thoughts before the battle starts. A battle from which you know you will never come back. just a suggestion
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