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Everything posted by akya

  1. I don't care...besides, we had a valentine party at school on the 13th and it went great
  2. *reincarnates* *asks for alliances from whoever wants one* *waits for answers while preparing weapons*
  3. so you're DemonBlood's younger brother ? nice welcome
  4. just a note : I did pin you to the wall, but the daggers didn't pierce your flesh just the clothes you wearing (baddest thing to do is wounding someone before suggesting an alliance ). *takes out a last dagger* *throws it in Black Op's throat in last effort before dying*
  5. @mreiland : so there is really an alternate ending to evangelion? never got my hands on a copy of it...
  6. it was a decoy ! *takes her own katana* *throws daggers that pins Randy to the wall* *holds blade against Randy's throat* *suggests alliance* to live or die what is your choice ?
  7. What I watched : Naruto, Evangelion, Ghost in the Shell, Get Backers, Scryed, Full Metal Panic, Sailor Moon, Inuyasha, Dragon Ball, X, Vampire Princess Miyu, Zoids, Digimon, Pokemon, Perfect Blue, Ninja scroll etc. Some of them I watched when I was little (sailor moon, dragon ball etc.) I love animes as well, but most of yours, I don't know. Trigun is the only one I have heard of.
  8. *pops in* why is it that you always have to use ultra sophisticated ways to kill each other ? *gives everyone a katana* now would you please be civilised and trust your skills only to kill the enemy ? *pops out*
  9. 3 I think...I don't want to plan ahead, what if I get twin or triplets the first time I think I'll just have to wait till I'm married (in a couple of years at least ) and well see what happens...
  10. Tell us ! Got more than ten votes!
  11. Well poor girls. well, we can stare at the guys as well or knock them down if they stare to much lol :D
  12. oki...just wondered then I saw the moderation announcement... could you guys just lock the thread ?
  13. I look at the ppl and how they behave, everywhere I go. Trying to figure out what they think...I try to check their body language, and when someone looks at me, I try to keep looking at him/her in the eye until he/she lowers them or turns them away. Contest of will.
  14. could someone tell me who this is about ? edit : never mind.
  15. You take the name of Ereinion on dgdn's forums... you didn't write the proper date of your birthday everybody makes mistakes though, hehe
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