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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Greetings, and welcome to the forums There is a patch by me here https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1718 it's stalled until I rewrite it to use status effects instead. Not really, all the players compute the game state on their own computer (if the host was able to change things during the game, that would make all the players out of sync) There are a few things that runs indepedently of the players. Like the Extinct Volcan map where the water will slowly increase until everything is drown. There are plans to add weather (currently you can only specify the biome on random maps) and day and night. Currently those two need some CPP changes, as one cannot access such things from the simulation.
  2. Method 1: Defining animations in actor files Pros: Easy Cons: If multiple models are using the same animations if you want to change them all you have to change a lot of files. Lots of duplication Method 2 using variant files Pros Little duplication Easy maintenance Variants can inherit one another Cons A bit more complex to understand Why are there groups. Groups are here for the carry Idle animation so that there are two idles one with and without resources. @wraitii and @Alexandermb can tell you more.
  3. I don't believe the out of memory is linked to that change... That's a CPU detection fix, not a memory fix.
  4. Autumn winter and dead variants and blue and purple berries.
  5. That's the same error as https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/4360 Here is a fix if you are willing to compile the game yourself What OS are you on ? What CPU do you have ?
  6. I don't know for sure, but I would assume as I created the helmet folder (at least I created it for some mods) that helmet wasn't removed because I simply SVN moved the files with no renaming (I also didn't know the helmet names at that point)
  7. The problem here is by being negative all the time and trolling, not only are you guys making fools of yourselves but also making this place annoying for other people. I'd rather not have to delete, mute, ban, and I'd rather instead work on the game, but I can't let you spread hate, troll, or feed other trolls, or just be toxic. If you want to contribute making this game more popular please do so, by either contributing, sharing the game, making videos, playing the game, or organizing tournaments.
  8. My humble contribution right old, left new.
  9. Can you commit those @Enrique ?
  10. Ah I thought you wanted to merge back all greek civs into a hellenic one.
  11. It's not possible ^^" Would be a waste of the current art though then
  12. Yeah so we'd use the same set and style for all greek factions correct ?
  13. Nice ! (On a related not I believe all blend files that are bigger than a few MB need to be zipped)
  14. Sure. How big is it when you zip it and/or use blender compression ?
  15. Dunno, does it make sense to have them all in a single blendfile ? Wouldn't it make more sense to have on file per civ so it's less layers to look into ? It's up to you
  16. @Alexandermb Can you fix the missing rome attic helmet used by the infantry swordsman e ? Or tell me what file it should be referencing so I can fix it ?
  17. Elephants dont use those variants they are for biped only Elephants will use another one.
  18. @Imarok Thanks. It would seem that the current variants use 'Build_farm' instead of 'seed'. If you change that in the code and apply the following diff it should work. Index: binaries/data/mods/public/art/variants/biped/build_farm.xml =================================================================== --- binaries/data/mods/public/art/variants/biped/build_farm.xml (revision 22869) +++ binaries/data/mods/public/art/variants/biped/build_farm.xml (working copy) @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <variant name="Build_farm"> <animations> - <animation event="0.5" file="biped/citizen/build.dae" name="Build_farm" speed="100"/> + <animation event="0.5" file="biped/gatherer/seeding.dae " name="Build_farm" speed="100"/> </animations> <props> <prop attachpoint="shield"/> Index: binaries/data/mods/public/art/variants/biped/female_build_farm.xml =================================================================== --- binaries/data/mods/public/art/variants/biped/female_build_farm.xml (revision 22869) +++ binaries/data/mods/public/art/variants/biped/female_build_farm.xml (working copy) @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <variant name="Build_farm"> <animations> - <animation event="0.75" file="biped/citizen/build.dae" name="Build_farm" speed="70"/> + <animation event="0.5" file="biped/gatherer/seeding.dae " name="Build_farm" speed="100"/> </animations> <props> <prop attachpoint="weapon_L"/>
  19. If @Alexandermb remakes all the civs shields in the game yes.
  20. Keep it up. I wonder if boeotian helmets had crest. I couldn't find any reference for it save for ricotz' helmets...
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