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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Could work as an example in a sub wiki page
  2. That's interesting. I wish we had a UX expert around
  3. Ideally we'd have the wiki page with a training scenario tutorial like the economic one... Maybe @nani and @borg- could fusion and do that if they are up to it. Call it "The newb crusher"
  4. So you guys opted for slate rooves instead of thatch ? Any reason ?
  5. Or rather let's create a wiki page out of it so that every one can edit it
  6. @vladislavbelov could we make it render a circle instead ? (Since square maps were phased out)
  7. @Basshunter It's using textures in the public folder so you might be able to make them transparent I'll have a look in some time maybe next week if its not possible.
  8. Guess that maybe related to @elexis changes ?
  9. Those unit textures are very cool how did you do the cloth ? For the vegetation and stones still waiting for you to send me the new rocks you made keep up the good work ! The quarry needs to be fixed btw because it looks out of place see: https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP22383
  10. Thanks for the report I'll let @Alexandermb fix this. Would be nice to have skeletons check at some point in chechrefs.pl
  11. Looks like nobody tested on ARM ( I plan on getting a raspberry pi 4 soonish) To play with other A23byou need to revert to rP21945 which will require SM38
  12. You need to add a DELETED file like this https://github.com/0ADMods/millenniumad/tree/master/gui/pregame Don't forget to add some text in it (will be useful when packaging you mod) usually just the name of the file, it doesn't really matter.
  13. You could have made them in Inkscape and then exported them as PNG ? I also believe it can import SVG
  14. I don't know :/, sorry maybe @Enrique does ? Yes you may, I don't know how though, I 'll try
  15. @Alexandermb handIK_L handIK_R vertex groups still missing from f_tunic_short.dae m_hero_tunic Only 70 files to go EDIT: For the missing anims I'm afraid you will have to do what you did with the fisherman... Not also that the fisherman suffers from the same two missing vertex groups.
  16. I wonder how stiff the cloth was at that angle it would be weirdly oriented I guess.
  17. Special case in the AI ? I don't know. Mimo knew better so I trusted him That also implies a lot of work for the other modders ^^ and the reviewers. Also for some reason I can't apply patches that moves files, so I'll have to do everything manually.
  18. This https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP21275 Mostly the part of " and get rid of this camelry unit. " Yeah but maybe there are better uses of your time ? :/ I too often get errors when adding new stuff to the game
  19. Camelry is legit https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/camelry The reason template did not have camelry is what happened the last time I tried to introduce them. Elephantry seems a bit less indeed. There is only one folder using that though. Chariotry is definitely off the table and not used anywhere. My issue is here is not the semantics though. It's the ratio of work compared to the eventual benefit for everyone. And it's very very little.
  20. Well you reexported them but they didn't have the vertex groups...
  21. Well those are consistent aren't they ? camelry cavalry infantry elephantry There is 134 files with the m_ suffix, which means at least 238 files to edit including templates. I could probably waste a day or two doing that, but then I'll have to do it for delenda est as well last time @wowgetoffyourcellphone nearly crucified me and I'd rather he didn't quit modding ^^ Just knowing that if a unit is a mounted unit you need to add a little _m after the name doesn't seem that difficult, but maybe I'm wrong ?
  22. Can you upload the file to the forums or somewhere ? I'll fix it for you
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