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Posts posted by Stan`

  1. Mmh that's a bit strange. Does the building switch variants a lot (Does it have animations or specific states)?

    Unfortunately there is no GetVariable so we cannot check if the values changed. Maybe there is an event we should be listening to.

  2. screenshot0023.pngscreenshot0022.pngscreenshot0021.pngscreenshot0020.png


    Made a few more tests with this particle:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <blend mode="over"/>
        <constant name="emissionrate" value="1000.0"/>
        <constant name="lifetime" value="10.0"/>
        <uniform name="angle" min="-3.14" max="3.14"/>
        <uniform name="velocity.x" min="-1.5" max="1.0"/>
        <uniform name="velocity.y" min="2.0" max="3.5"/>
        <uniform name="velocity.z" min="-1.5" max="1.0"/>
        <uniform name="velocity.angle" min="-2.0" max="3.0"/>
        <uniform name="size" min="7.4" max="7.5"/>
        <expr name="color.r"  from="colorr" mul="1.0" max="1.0"/>
        <expr name="color.g" from="colorg"  mul="1.0" max="1.0"/>
        <expr name="color.b"  from="colorb"  mul="1.0" max="1.0"/>
        <force y="-2.5"/>



    Custom actor:


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <actor version="1">
        <variant frequency="1" name="Carthaginian House">
            <prop actor="props/structures/decals/dirt_small.xml" attachpoint="root"/>
            <prop actor="particle/construction_dust.xml" attachpoint="root"/>
            <texture file="structural/kart_struct.dds" name="baseTex"/>
            <texture file="structural/kart_struct_norm.png" name="normTex"/>
            <texture file="structural/kart_struct_spec.png" name="specTex"/>
        <variant frequency="1" name="ungarrisoned"/>
        <variant name="garrisoned">
            <prop actor="props/special/common/garrison_flag_kart.xml" attachpoint="garrisoned"/>
        <variant name="alive" frequency="1"/>
        <variant file="structures/cart/light_damage.xml"/>
        <variant file="structures/cart/medium_damage.xml"/>
        <variant file="structures/cart/heavy_damage.xml"/>
        <variant file="structures/cart/destruction_small.xml"/>

    I used a custom texture for the following one:


    I used the following texture: -> (It's not all white)


    Few notes:

    Hotloading particles is crashy as in changing a few values can crash the game.

    SetVariable won't work if you hotload particles (each time you change a value in the XML or the modle you have to restart the match) Fortunately you can use the following code in your tests (Don't use in production) that will keep forcing the variables at each frame.

    class ParticlePlayerColor
    	... Don't touch the previous code.

    As for the grey in the middle it's due to particles decaying maybe it's an engine bug @vladislavbelov would know.



    • Like 1
  3. Hmm that's really strange because I tested that code earlier and I had blue and red dust X)

    And yeah emission rate has to be constant I hacked the foundation code that relies on builder numbers.

    What values do you have in player colors ?

    I will test some more tomorrow

    • Like 1
  4. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <blend mode="over"/>
        <expr name="emissionrate" from="numbuilders" mul="50.0" max="200.0"/>
        <uniform name="lifetime" min="3.0" max="5.0"/>
        <uniform name="position.x" min="-8.0" max="8.0"/>
        <uniform name="position.z" min="-8.0" max="8.0"/>
        <constant name="position.y" value="1.0"/>
        <uniform name="angle" min="-3.14" max="3.14"/>
        <uniform name="velocity.x" min="-1.5" max="1.0"/>
        <uniform name="velocity.y" min="2.0" max="3.5"/>
        <uniform name="velocity.z" min="-1.5" max="1.0"/>
        <uniform name="velocity.angle" min="-2.0" max="3.0"/>
        <uniform name="size" min="5.0" max="7.5"/>
        <expr name="color.r"  from="colorr" mul="1.0" max="1.0"/>
        <expr name="color.g" from="colorg"  mul="1.0" max="1.0"/>
        <expr name="color.b"  from="colorb"  mul="1.0"  max="1.0"/>
        <force y="-2.5"/>

    This is the one I tested with.


    Should only be in the building template in simulation/templates


    • Like 1
  5. 48 minutes ago, Allan said:

    I put some warns in the .js component and it seems that it's working, the values (color.r-g-b) change when I change player color. But it's not updating the color of the texture, it's still red even if i'm a the green or bleu team :search:

    You need to use a texture without colors. Such as the one for dust it doesn't colorize it just reduces the rgb value of each pixel so if you have a blue texture you can only do shades of blue.

    • Like 1
  6. My bad, you also need an interface for that component :) 

    in simulation/components/interfaces add a new file called ParticlePlayerColor.js

    With this content



    • Like 1
  7. Hey,

    First things first, materials have no effect whatsoever on particles. Ideally the particle actors would have a different format, but that's off topic.

    The good news is you can affect particle colors through code! Using this one weird trick (Mostly an unknown engine feature).

    Particles support expressions such as this one:

    <expr name="emissionrate" from="numbuilders" mul="50.0" max="200.0"/>

    Which is interpreted by the code like so:

    std::min(m_Max, emitter.m_EntityVariables[m_From] * m_Mul);
    std::min(200.0, yourValue * 50.0);

    So how does one set the "yourValue" parameter you might ask. Well you can find an example in the Foundation.js code:

    let cmpVisual = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Visual);
    if (cmpVisual)
    	cmpVisual.SetVariable("numbuilders", this.GetNumBuilders());

    So in your case, you might need an extra component let's say ParticlePlayerColor.js

    class ParticlePlayerColor
    		let cmpVisual = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Visual);
    		if (!cmpVisual)
    		const color = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity, IID_Player).GetColor();
    		cmpVisual.SetVariable("colorr", color.r);
    		cmpVisual.SetVariable("colorg", color.g);
    		cmpVisual.SetVariable("colorb", color.b);
    		if (msg.to == INVALID_PLAYER)
    ParticlePlayerColor.prototype.Schema = "<empty/>";
    Engine.RegisterComponentType(IID_ParticlePlayerColor, "ParticlePlayerColor", ParticlePlayerColor);

    That you can add to your template with 


    And this little component will take care of updating your particles with the correct values. You need to define colors as expressions in your particle file:

        <expr name="color.r"  from="colorr" mul="1.0" max="1.0"/>
        <expr name="color.g" from="colorg"  mul="1.0" max="1.0"/>
        <expr name="color.b"  from="colorb"  mul="1.0"  max="1.0"/>

    Do note that it will not be the exact color you want as the particle texture say <texture>art/textures/particles/dust_256a.png</texture> as its own, but it should get close.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  8. 14 hours ago, Obskiuras said:

    Here is another attempt at a civic center, it is better but it looks like a big house with the car parked in the yard. At least it look decent, you can use the other design for houses.


    Do you base your designs of something else or do you just "wing it" Else you could play around with a shorter second floor, or some kind of  rain cover with wood planks. You can use software like PurRef (Or pinterest to gather a list of references.

  9. 1 hour ago, chrstgtr said:

    So random arrows but there can be manual targeting for some arrows? Sounds worth trying to me 

    Yep. Either a ratio, or a max of two or something.

    1 hour ago, Feldfeld said:

    Imo that would be an improvement but I still also would like to see deviation with arrows being able to hurt a different unit than the target, not sure if that's possible without hurting performance

    I think arrows can still miss and hit something else, which is probably the reason of the lags @maroder noticed when there are many enemies.

  10. You shouldn't be able to interact with the game once you've lost is my understanding of why the button is disabled.

    The icon is disabled because it checks for whether the unit is an observer but the actual action doesn't check for that but rather whether you control the player which is probably broken somehow. You can check the changes in D1751 and input.js

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