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Posts posted by Stan`

  1. 5 hours ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    It's calculated each time because you're putting defense towers at different terrain heights dynamically throughout the game. My point is that why isn't this enough? Why the extra component in the template to add elevation bonus to the towers?

    My point is that it could be computed on placement and at each subsequent tech.

    No particular answer, I just think it's cool to take the terrain into account.


  2. On 02/04/2023 at 1:31 AM, vinme said:

    Probably the second biggest problem 0ad has, after the propensity to get ddosed, if there was some way to conceal names from a hosted game,and or in lobby, ddos wouldnt be feasible, as ddoser would have to constantly keep ddosing everyone all day. Funny that such a problem that decimated game popularity by like 50% many times, still is going on for 3-5 years or something, and hasnt been fixed, even tho so many angles of fixing it.

    You can skip the lobby and connect directly to users, it's just not convenient cause everyone has to know their respective ips. But you'll always have the issue of being DDOSed as long as the game will be P2P. When someone joins your match you're basically letting them into your home.

    If we had dedicated servers, you'd have the issue of the server being DDOSed, if it was hosted by us, it would DDOS the forums, the lobby, the forge etc.

    The number of players has been stable, it's just the number of MP players that has reduced. Also, 4 years ago was COVID and confinements, and people are progressively getting back to their lives.



    • Like 1
  3. If you have the mod installed you can run the game from the cmdline using

    pyrogenesis.exe -mod=public -mod=0ad-spirv

    If you do not have the mod installed you can run the game using then install the mod

    pyrogenesis.exe -mod=mod -conf=rendererbackend:gl


    • Thanks 1
  4. 24 minutes ago, MirceaKitsune said:

    I decided to try recompiling 0 A.D. from Git on my Linux / Manjaro box which thankfully still works fine. I can start the compiled version without issue on the old settings, but once I select the Vulkan backend from the menu and restart Pyrogenesis it crashes on startup. I attached my crashlog.txt which can hopefully be used to explain it:

    crashlog.txt 36 kB · 1 download

    Did you enable the 0ad-spirv mod you can get from mod.io? If you enable it prior to enabling that mod you'll get a crash.

    • Thanks 1


    6 hours ago, BreakfastBurrito_007 said:

    Overkill is a thing, yes. However, in many fights you see 1/2 or 1/3 health melee units alive for enough time to make a difference, especially if the armies are spread out horizontally. Healing melee units is inherently more valuable than healing ranged units due to them having more armor, which means each hitpoint healed is harder to remove from a pikeman than it would be on a skirmisher. 

    Healing heros are fantastic in the following cases:

    1. sniping
    2. building arrows

    I don't think I would like an automated behavior for healing, but maybe the ability to set them to closely follow a unit of my choosing.

    Mmmh isn't that what guarding is for ?

  6. 16 minutes ago, benisen11 said:

    No problem. :D What about animations? If am creating a new gate I'll def have to animate a gate and set the animations somehow for the mesh. I think.

    New gate means news animations you'll have to make them in blender. To make your life easier you can reimport existing rigs

  7. Hey really sorry about that  @benisen11

    Entities have an Upgrade component. Example the long wall long_wall_template

    23	  <Upgrade>
    24	    <Gate>
    25	      <Entity>structures/{civ}/wall_gate</Entity>
    26	      <Tooltip>Allow units access through Walls. Can be locked to prevent access.</Tooltip>
    27	      <Cost>
    28	        <wood>20</wood>
    29	      </Cost>
    30	      <Time>12</Time>
    31	      <Variant>upgrading</Variant>
    32	    </Gate>
    33	  </Upgrade>

    Entity is the template it will change to. Here it's generic, it depends on the civ specified in the Identity component. Cost and Time are pretty straightforward. Variant is the object variant it will switch to when upgrading (can be used to add fancy stuff) If you don't have a variant with that name, it will do nothing.

    1	<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    2	<Entity parent="template_wallset">
    3	  <Identity>
    4	    <Civ>gaul</Civ>
    5	    <SpecificName>Rate</SpecificName>
    6	  </Identity>
    7	  <WallSet>
    8	    <Templates>
    9	      <Tower>structures/gaul/wall_tower</Tower>
    10	      <Gate>structures/gaul/wall_gate</Gate>
    11	      <WallLong>structures/gaul/wall_long</WallLong>
    12	      <WallMedium>structures/gaul/wall_medium</WallMedium>
    13	      <WallShort>structures/gaul/wall_short</WallShort>
    14	    </Templates>
    15	    <MaxTowerOverlap>0.80</MaxTowerOverlap>
    16	    <MinTowerOverlap>0.05</MinTowerOverlap>
    17	  </WallSet>
    18	</Entity>

    Here is a wallset example  where you can defined the templates making a wallset. You then just have to create each of them.


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