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Posts posted by Tonto_Icy_Tripod

  1. I'm of the same opinion. Those people don't seem to believe, in which case going to church has no effect anyways, so why bother? It seems like they're caught between wanting to do good (going to church, good deeds and such) and simply not believing. I guess that's the middleground.

    And yes, I realize my wording here makes it easy to pick it all apart and debunk whatever kind of argument it is. I just don't care ^_^

  2. Well, on what kind of level is this? It's impossible to cover everything, so you're either going to have to take a very broad view (The US was formed by 13 original provinces, over time others joined, and that is what we have today), or you could choose a specific period or event (the civil war comes to mind).

    Ask your teacher what level she wants the essay to be on (if she wants it to cover all the history (ie broad) or if you can choose an event or such). It seems to me that what you want/need is a broad introduction to the countries but I'd make sure first...

  3. Nah, that happened after the half-time show, right before the second half was gonna start.

    Am I the only one who wanted panthers to win but was still happy to see the field goal go in? (well, it was 5am, and I had school today...I would've died if there had been any more ^_^)

    So what was the deal with the commercials? We didn't get to see them here (sucks, I know), but was that a good or bad thing?

  4. Just like women can work, men can stay home I think. My mom worked until we moved to switzerland (because, according to law she couldn't get a job for some reason I believe...) when I was 8. Moving back to sweden after 4 years, she once again got a job. I've had NO bad effects of this at all.

    If we take daycare as an example, I feel that is a good thing. You meet people instead of sitting at home with your mom all day (or whatever you'd do otherwise). Same thing with homeschooling contra normal schools. In this case, the added freedom of the homeschooled can in some cases make it a good choice, but in general I prefer normal schools.

  5. Didn't show up as updated to me :P (seems that happens every once in a while...)

    Since the area of a triangle is the base times the height divided by two, and the base of the triangles is the same, all you have to do is prove that the height is the same. I'm in a bit of a hurry though, so I'll leave the rest until later (unless someone else chooses to do it.)

  6. When he sat there thinking, he got an idea! which he then sold to the press.

    Why would you think this cannot be conveyed grammatically? Something along the lines of "While he sat thinking, he had an idea! He then sold it to the press." The exclamation mark in your construct isn't in the middle of a sentence so much as it seperates two fragments which should be sentences.

    When he sat there thinking, he got an idea! which he then sold to the press.
    While he sat thinking, he had an idea! He then sold it to the press.

    Personally, I don't read the two in the same way, and get different impressions from the two. I can't really argue that though, since that's a matter of feelings, which may differ from any person.

    @Mythos_Ruler: While you are allowed to do that, I feel it gives more of an effect without putting the exclamation mark in brackets. Feels more direct or whatever I should call it...

  7. Well, I think ! including " random punctuation # in the middle of ? sentences is seldom clearly understandable.

    It can be so why not leave a little artistic room for the author? In a sentence such as;

    When he sat there thinking, he got an idea! which he then sold to the press.

    The meaning isn't the important part, but it is clear that the point is to convey that he got an idea, and that it is important. That might not be the best example, but what I'm saying is simply that there are some things which cannot be conveyed within grammatic boundaries. Why exclude those, instead of letting the author (at his own risk) try to convey the message as best he can?

  8. That hasn't really got to do with what I was talking about...I guess my post wasn't as cleas as it could have been, but the quote your using, and then trying to answer don't match ("does it matter if you use correct grammar? Yes, innocent as opposed to not guilty. "). Your answer has to do with the use of words in a specific instance, and also in an instance where I'm sure most of the time I would say use formal language.

    My original reply still stands.

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