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Posts posted by Tonto_Icy_Tripod

  1. I hardly remember what we were talking about here :blush:

    My problem is more with the 'christians' themselves, and how they're reacting. The way they're reacting, whether it was done purposefully or not, is going to get them exactly what they *don't* want. Remember, famous peeps are notorious for coming out of scandal even more popular than before they went in.

    I've been slacking off lately, and haven't read much any international news, so I don't really know what the 'christians' have or have not done.

    I mean come on, it was a breast. I doubt there's a person alive who hasn't ever seen a breast(blind people excluded, of course ;)

    I'm sure there were a ton of kids who had never seen a breast that watched the halftime show. Will that affect them in some way? I don't think so, but that's just what I think, I can't know.

  2. I'll skip the evolution debate since mythos got that part of your reply :P

    Thats where you went wrong.....most of those books are biased by the authors opinion anyway.....simply reading the opinion of a "textbook" on a controversial issue doesnt make it correct....in fact thats a whole other debate about textbooks

    Then pray tell what are you gonna use? You're biased, the homosexuals are of course biased, and according to you, people who are supposed to know this stuff are biased as well... I take it we should all go around guessing whether or not homosexuality is a cause of society or not :D Care to explain why there were homosexuals when it was not accepted by society? I'll acknowledge the idea of people wanting to stand out, but in that case, homosexuality should've increased after it became accepted, which it didn't. You're not going to say it's a mental disease are you?

    Gonna drive a bit now (practice still...gotta wait until I'm 18 to get a license), so that's it for now :P

  3. ABSOLUTELY UNTRUE....I find it amazing how well people are decieved about this today, but in no part of the constitution nor the amendments was this said......It came from twisting a quote from Thomas Jefferson (who didnt even mean that) and claiming it to be applicable to the First Ammendment which meant something completely different.

    I could give u loads and loads of proof as to what the founding fathers meant in the constitution and the Bill of Rights if needed....

    I'll take your word for that since I don't know... I assumed it'd be the same as it is here, where the state and church are seperate. So much for assuming...

    Aaah, I LOVE it when evolutionists contradict each other....

    Evolutionists don't agree more than christians, so why's that?

    the very meaning behind it is constant changing and the key element of this is survival of the fittest to keep only the "best" around....thus ur wrong in ur idea that it doesnt apply anymore......quite a humorous attempt tho..

    Evolution works like that. However, I say that with medicine, humans that would normally have died without reproducing (and thus their genes wouldn't pass on-->evolution), now can live on and also reproduce. Think about people with broken legs that are now given treatment, and that's just the basic stuff.

    Interesting that you mention sodomy, seeing as the normal form of sexual intercourse practised between homosexuals is supposedly oral. Somehow I doubt that hurts, and even if it did, the persons affected chose it, which is clearly different to a serial killer's victims...

  4. Remember, I'm just a crazy HoI poster with Christian beliefs that aren't going to be heeded because room isn't left open in the minds of people for my opinions :P

    Any beliefs are allowed here, as long as they are presented in a reasonable fashion and supporting arguments :P Just cause a lot of people don't agree with you doesn't mean there's no room for the opinion. We're here to exchange ideas and opinions, the entire point is for everyone to have different opinions, but then there's the whole idea of picking them apart and such :D

    The second half of your post deals with why homosexual marriage is not supported in the christian faith. But, the state and church are seperated, so that only has bearing on marriage in church. The benefits of marriage in economical terms and such are seperate and thus not affected by this. In other words, christian churches should feel free to disallow gay marriage, but the same churches must also understand that their faith should have no impact on the state.

    Using that same train of thought, being naturally born a serial killer is perfectly normal, there's nothing wrong with that. After all, its just survival of the fittest, he's more fit than the people he murders.

    Humans are above survival of the fittest, ever since we came to the stage where we could treat ill people and help the old and such. Survival of the fittest doesn't really apply to humans anymore. Still, let's see what the major difference is between the two. Homosexuality is a sexual preference, while a serial killer usually finds pleasure in killing people (an adrenalin rush). So, homosexuality doesn't hurt anyone else does it? Serial killers sure do, which is why it is against the law.

  5. Oops, I read that last part yesterday night, but forgot about it when replying today :P I agree though, there are better punishments than fines, which are both more fair and have better effects. However, if you do have fines, I still think they should be percentage wise or something, for the reasons mentioned.

    This is about money. "rich" people are hated simply for having money. Probably noone on this board realized that most rich people did it the old fashioned way. They're neither stupid, nor lazy. They earned the money, by god, let them keep it.

    You're not reading what I've been saying are you? Has anyone said that rich people don't deserve their money? No? Didn't think so.

    I acknowledge your point. Rich people work for their money, I'm perfectly aware you don't just grow up and then all of a sudden have a few millions in your bankaccount. So why are you accusing me of hating rich people? Atleast give people the benefit of the doubt... we've even said that the point of higher fines would be to make the punishment feel as much, even for the rich, not to go after rich people's money.

    reminder to self; gotta use normal reply, makes the quoting process a lot easier.

    [edit]edited some minor stuff.[/edit]

  6. I bet that was your defining moment. The moment that changed your life *rolls eyes*.

    Something tells me your teacher was filling your head full of bull@#$% since he'd definately get fired for that.

    That's either trolling or flaming depending on how you meant it, but either way, consider yourself warned. Now cool it please :P

    Back on topic. You've got to ask yourself what the fine is for. If it is there to just punish the driver, or if it's there to in effect tell the driver not to do it again. Or is there some other reason for having a fine that I've missed?

    Regardless of which reason it's for, it's not a punishment to pay 120 Euro if you make a ton of money. Hence keeping the fine the same for everyone means it'll have a huge effect on some, while a really small one on others. Basically that puts rich people above the law in these cases, since they can continue doing the same crime and be unaffected.

    Somewhere around 90% of millionaries are self made. How many of you knew that? I bet most of you didn't because there's this view of rich people being lazy idiots who inherited it. Or that they're unethical and they did it by stepping on "poor" people.

    This has to do with the topic in what way? Does it matter if they were given the money or made it themselves? Heck, they might as well win a few million on a lottery. The punishment should still be felt to have any effect.

    Should running a company effectively justify charging you more for a T-shirt? How about a house? Or maybe it justifies charging you more for gas. No it doesn't. Neither does it justify charging you more for a fine.

    Yes it does. The money you pay for a T-shirt, house, whatever is to pay for the expenses of whoever made them, plus some profit, right? The fine you pay when speeding is there to either punish you or give you a reason not to do it again (in this case that's basically the same thing).

    It is *not* the responsibility of the upper class to support the economy, or the lower class.

    This has nothing to do with that. That's what taxes are there for. Atleast here, fines are used directly on roads and whatever has to do with the roads. But really, I'm just repeating myself over and over. Are you just going to keep repeating the same thing over and over or do you have any new angle to bring up?

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