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Posts posted by Tonto_Icy_Tripod

  1. Such a creature does exist. There are Christians who can believe what they believe without forcing their will on others. However, they *are* few and far between, from my experience. My best friend being one of those few.

    Personally I know not a single christian who does that... not one. My parents claim to know one though, but I don't :banana: That means, my entire family (excluding my sister and me, as we aren't christians :drunk:), and most everyone in the church I go to/used to go to. Of course, the US and Sweden seem to be different in how religion is expressed in many other ways, so I don't see why it couldn't differ here too...

  2. True. Either way, if you want to sort this out, please do so off the boards (PM or msn or such should work I think :banana:).

    So, moving on, a friend of mine linked me to this

    I'm not asking you to read all the entries (obviously), but "War is Declared" and "No more profound an attack" right after it is what I read, and also agree with. Of course it's rhetorical, but what do you expect? (Oh, and reading some more on that same blog, he supports Bush, except in this issue of course)

    Some quotes from that blog and the same entries (since we all love quotes):

    "There can be no more profound attack on a minority in the United States - or on the promise of freedom that America represents." (refering to amending the constitution)

    "The president has made it easy. He's a simple man and he divides the world into friends and foes. He has now made a whole group of Americans - and their families and their friends - his enemy."

    Not that I know why I picked those two, I guess the first one has some meaning in this debate, but the second one just appealed to me :drunk:

  3. We can't really be sure if the climate change is due to pollution or to natural causes, but anyway we can't maintain our pollution levels. The Kyoto agreements were too modest, but even then they're not being kept.

    You have to start somewhere, and kyoto seemed like a good place to me.

    We basically don't have spring and fall here anymore (atleast it doesn't feel like it...), and summer and winter have become more extreme (not so much winter as summer. That can of course happen every year).

  4. My point remains. The choice was made before anyone could've known what was going to happen. As far as we know, 11/9 might as well have been an effect of Bush winning (I'm definately not saying it is, just pointing out possibilities).

    Besides, Gore didn't have an overwhelming majority, who knows how many of his popular votes were rigged by the counters.

    Um, Bush didn't even have a majority... And why are you accusing Gore of cheating in the elections? Do you have any proof at all?

  5. Keep it clean. In other words, remove anything that can distract you (which is basically everything :band:), and use soft colors (with soft I mean any color with lots of white in it, and better yet if they're faded).

    Atleast, that's what I do, and it works relatively well for me :banana: Oh, and learn all the shortcuts (alt+tab, alt+F4, alt+whatever letter gets underlined in the menus at the top, etc). It's not that hard, though using the mouse is good when surfing, since there are a gazillion links mostly :drunk:

  6. It's not supposed to be fair - it's supposed to elect the best candidate.

    Think about it. You could say it wasn't fair for Pat Buchanan in 2000 however much you want, but he wasn't the best candidate.

    Skip Buchanan and take Gore instead. According to the majority he was the better president, yet he was not elected. So according to you, can the majority decide who is the better president? If the answer is yes, I find the system to not work, while if the answer is yes, sure the system works, but why don't you trust the majority?

    I agree with Michael though, it's very unlikely that the system will change. However, that doesn't make it a good system.

  7. It was much too long ago since I read the books, and since tom bombadil was left out of the movies, I've almost completely forgot everything having to do with the beginning...so could anyone enlighten me regarding that forest? Wasn't that pretty living too-->is it possible the entwives were there?

  8. With their newest version they pulled down performance to improve on quality, which really sucks when you've got a geforce2mx like me. So, assuming that's still their policy, I'm gonna stick with the ones I've got now :banana:

  9. Well yeah, that's something that's always puzzled me a bit as well. Swearing upon the bible in any case (court, president or elsewhere) doesn't really mean anything unless you're a christian :blush:

    Also, could someone inform me what's necessary for an amendment in the US? Like, do you just have a vote in congress or what?

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