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Posts posted by Tonto_Icy_Tripod

  1. It's all about perspective as Paul said. Personally I have a hard time seeing anyone who kills someone else as a freedom fighter (just think of the consequences of 911. In what way did that improve the freedom OBL was seeking?). On the other hand, I guess other people see the "western" way of living as a direct threat or atleast not as a good way of living, and can from their point of view easily justify their actions.

  2. Cool. This also means that having two sticks of ram (2*256 instead of 1*512) doesn't speed up a 754socket A64 while it will speed up a 939socket A64?

    And while we're at it, how about heat dissipation on these CPUs? I've got a PIII 1GhZ, and it basically heats my room :) What could I expect from an A64 3500+? I mean, I'm getting the feeling I'm gonna have to buy 2 or 3 more fans just to keep the thing cool when I upgrade...

  3. I don't think money was her biggest concern really, seeing as she's got quite a bit of it. What would she have risked had she pleaded guilty? If it were jail, she might have wanted to risk it hoping to get out of jail, while perhaps paying her lawyers a bit more.

  4. OTOH you have a proportional system with a 4% threshold here in Sweden. While it's not as effective as a twoparty system it's not unstable (I can't think of any government that was replaced in an unnatural way right now...).

    I think it has to do with the people rather than the voting system. The US system would probably work extremely well if it was new (and hadn't got to the point where only two parties are really viable), while systems like the swedish one can have nasty effects if the people are unhappy with the current government.

  5. I don't see why marriages in the church should have a legal effect? They may be holy, and between a man and a woman, but why does that mean those two people should get financial and social benefits? Make marriage in the church and state seperate, so that the church does not have to marry homosexuals if they chose not to, while those same people can still get the social and financial benefits from the state.

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