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Posts posted by Tonto_Icy_Tripod

  1. taking it out would support the atheists, and since Atheism is an official religion, that would be supporting their religion.

    I think not saying anything doesn't support atheism. Supporting atheism would be saying "one nation under no god" or some such. Not saying anything doesn't imply anything really. OTOH, the act of removing or changing that line does imply something, imo.

  2. Checked msconfig, and only the 6.1 version was in the list. As for deleting, that's what I've tried, as well as deleting the entire folder :D

    This is starting to annoy me, not so much cause of the effects of the actual bug, but more since it seems way difficult to solve :D

  3. Adam, I agree completely and entirely. My grandpa always says that knowledge is a light burden, and I guess that's true :D


    Well, i do not think that multiple answer tests are the best tool to raise students knowledge, nor it is sheer interest.

    Agreed. From personal experience I never study as much on those tests as I do for others either. It's just easier, since you know atleast part of the answer and can use the alternatives to get the right one. Basically you don't need to know the answer to get it right :D

    Also, those tests more than others seem to suit those that study just the day before more than other types of tests.

    Moving on; essays! Am I the only one who absolutely hates essays? I know I'm not, but it seems so to me :D Anyways, I think essays as a way of testing knowledge doesn't really work, since different writing styles always have an impact. I know since my sister writes in a style so different from mine it's almost unbelievable we're related, and it makes an impact. On the other hand, combining tests and essays into 1 page answers to relatively broad questions seems good to me.

    It forces the student to know the subject well enough to discuss it, doesn't give hints in the same way as a normal question would, and I think you get away from the issues of writing styles as much as possible (you'll know that better than me matteo, being a teacher and all :D).

  4. I absolutely suck at notetaking, but this far that hasn't been too much of a problem. Then again, I never get things done early for longterm assignments either, when I'm working alone. However, when working in groups I tend to do things earlier for some reason, and be quite far ahead...

    Essays is another thing I hardly ever do well in, mostly since I like to just say what I think, skip basically all the adjectives and such. Teachers don't seem to like that for some reason... :D

    I'm worst at taking notes though, so I voted for that :D

  5. Ok, update!

    I can't delete the messenger folder :D I get access denied when I try... Here's what I do, I close msmsgs.exe (that's the 4.1 version) and try and delete the folder. Dialog saying it might make some programs stop working. Click continue, and after waiting for a few seconds I get the access denied warning, saying the disk may be full, I may not have permission or the program may be running.

    Anyways, I obviously can't delete it, and after a few more seconds, the programs starts running again...or rather, the process shows up again.

    I don't use outlook, outlook express or MSN (the browser thingy), so I doubt they've got anything to do with this... Unless they also boot up at the start without me knowing about it :D

  6. I agree curu :D

    But continuing on that train of thought, isn't it pretty much useless to teach kids how many died in this and this war, or anything having to do with pure facts? If the kids are interested, they'll find out for themselves, and if they're not, they'll forget it anyways...

  7. Adam brought up that students often don't know things after they've been tested on it in the education thread. I was wondering if anyone's got any ideas on what would be the best way to test if students know things, and make sure they actually remember it(!) afterwards?

    I've been thinking about unprepared tests (not small unprepared tests, but tests as large as usual that just pop up out of nowhere). The thing is though, I've been a victim of those myself, and while they do show who knows things a bit better, it doesn't really do anything to promote learning for life :D

  8. I fear I won't be voting for either candidate or simply won't be voting.  I don't want anything to do with either Kerry or Bush :D

    There are other candidates are there not? Maybe they won't be winning this time around, but as usual, you have to start somewhere :D

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