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Posts posted by Tonto_Icy_Tripod

  1. Let's remember that there's no reason to believe that the US will not remain the world's superpower for atleast...a long time. At that point China will probably have dropped communism or/and India will be better developed, and we'll have quite a few superpowers. Russia should probably get some mentioning in here too.

    I doubt we'll have a situation like the one we have today with only one real major superpower. There'll probably be two, three or even more of them. That's what I think atleast.

  2. Heh, something like that :)

    Basically, mature/wellr-respected/active/etc people are chosen to mod forums they are active in. So if there arises a need for a new guardian in a forum, someone who is active in that forum will be chosen. Sometimes you might be able to apply for a position...

    So in short; be mature, active and such :)

  3. For me it's that this team doesn't only listen to the fans, it is (!) the fans. Really, how often do you see people just start a project this big for no other reason than that they want to (and some other minor stuff like experience, but disregard that now :))? Only fans do that, and that shows dedication.

    Yeah, that sums it up :)

  4. Bah, I was hoping you would say the DVD player wasn't region-free and that it would be easy to fix :D Ah well, I'll let my friend test it as well and see if it works for him...

  5. Right, I've got braveheart here on this little disc called a DVD. I was hoping to watch it on the DVD player I've got at home (which is region-free or whatever it's called. It's supposed to work with DVDs from all regions). Problem is, after trying to read the disc for a few secs, I get an error message "disc error". So, I try it in the DVD player I've got in the comp, using powerDVD, where I get this ridicolously long error message containing tons of numbers and stuff... Of note is that the DVD player in the comp isn't region-free.

    So I'm wondering a few things, like:

    is it possible that the DVD is faulty in some way? How would I know?

    is the DVD player (non-comp) region-free? How would I find out?

    Why is this happening to me?

    I haven't tried running the DVD anywhere else, though a friend of mine claims he could run it on his DVD player, though that was a while ago (um, can a DVD fail after a while?). I've got no idea if that player is region-free...

    Braveheart, region1

    Moi, Sweden (region3?)

    Any help is as always appreciated :D

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