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Posts posted by Tonto_Icy_Tripod

  1. Heyheyhey, what did we say not three days ago? Stick to the topic or start a new thread. This entire second page deserves a new thread, so anyone who wants to continue the debate (it doesn't seem to be dead yknow :() ought to start a new thread about it.

    Thanks :blush:

    Now back to our regularly scheduled homework ;) Yayness for homeworks to be handed in on holidays and at midnight ;)

  2. I'm in the same situation as Klaas here, to me it just doesn't make sense. The constitution we've got, well, it's just a constitution (um, we usually just refer to what's in our constitution as grundlagar or foundation laws...not sure how you'd translate it really. Doesn't really matter, just thought about it), atleast to me. The only thing that make those laws stand out, is that there has to be two votes with an election in between.

    I just feel like replying "just amend it then" everytime someone points to the constitution, only to remember that it's not the swedish one they're talking about :blush:

  3. I think you have to ask yourself who'd be responsible for controlling the internet as well. I'd hate for any government to do that, since it's a worldspanning web, and the values in one country may not be reflected in another. I'd rather have an international body do that, but I cannot see that happening.

    I guess I feel that it's impossible to really prevent the free speech on the internet, and as AK_Thugh_AMish said, that's for good or bad. Now, assuming you could monitor the entire web, and if I'd want that or not, then I don't really know :blush:

  4. The long story you say? Ugh :(

    Well, I was originally a lurker over at aokh, and lurked, and lurked, and lurked (I did lots of lurking if you didn't understand). Apparently, there was this thread about n00b names, and how you'd spot them. So, since I was new to this whole idea of online gaming, started to look for a name that wouldn't be seen as a n00b nick. I *think* but can't really remember, that I found this name (Icy_Tripod) from reading...

    Anyways, I joined tonto clan a while after that, and so added tonto to the front. But wait, there's more ;)

    I had HUGE!! web problems, resulting in me being off the net for some very long time (6 months+). When I got back, I didn't find the old tonto site at first, and thought the clan was dead. Since none of my old friends were online either, I figured that was the case. So I played some tryout games for Carthaginian Forces (...bal clan on the zone, cF on ESO), and they let me join. I needed a ...bal name though, so I kicked my old name and made a new one -->toastabal (nope, no reason behind this actually, except it's what I came up with at the time. I guess I was thinking along the lines of toast (aka dead) toastable (aka killable) ---> toastabal).

    But there's more ;) It took a while, but I found the old tonto site again, and of course rejoined my old clan :blush: However, since I wanted atleast remotely similar names, I ditched the old name, and went with cF_Toastabal and Tonto_Toastabal. Well, it took some time, but I got utterly bored of aoc and aom, so I quit, and realized I was spending too much time playing games on the web, I felt I had to quit. Being in a clan sorta made me want to play more and more. Well, I quit cF, but stayed in tonto, since that was more about foruming, and since I was no longer part of two clans, took back my old name. And that's it I guess :(

  5. So imo you better form your opinion concerning homosexuals when you have personal experience in this area, when you know some homosexuals. Basing your opinion on what you hear, read, see on tv or 'believe' isn't really the right way to go.

    That goes for a lot of things. Well said though :blush:

    Logic asks what would pervert another man to leave the natural way with women.

    Please don't start a discussion on whether or not homosexuality is a disease or perversion. If you wish to debate that, feel free to open up a new thread for it ;)

    Is there anyone who opposes Adam's view? Excluding the passage Klaas mentioned that is.

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