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Posts posted by Tonto_Icy_Tripod

  1. What was Bush statement again? The IAEA have a report claiming Iraq can have WMD weapons ready in 48 hours, or something to that effect. The fact that the IAEA didn't have such a report is funny :D

    I'm of the opinion the war was easily justfyable. Had the UN acted, I would've supported the war no problem. However, the US has no right (legally speaking...just the fact that they did shows that in practice they have any right they want basically...) to attack like they did (neither did the brits :P). I very strongly oppose that behaviour, and attitude.

    Then you could also argue that there were way better approaches to this. Things like not going for the WMD but rather the human rights issues would've been much better, and would probably also helped get some more support in the UN (not saying it wouldn't have been vetoed, but I guess the odds would've been better). That would've been a lot easier to prove as well...Seems to me Bush felt a need to scare the US population to get better support, which hopefully he'll take the consequences of now.

    Ah well, this isn't the right topic for this, so if anyone feels like debating this issue, feel free to start a thread on it. If not, then please continue on with the original article :D Just felt a need to get that off my chest :P

  2. Knowing quite a few parents of my classmates who get tickets and don't care...they keep doing it, since they make that much money in an hour or less.

    It's not a matter of how badly it *hurts* you, it's a matter of being punished.

    Yes and no. It's a matter of being punished, but for these people, it isn't a punishment as much as an annoyance. Taking your baby metaphor, it'd be like patting them lightly, in a way that rather symbolizes doing good :P

    My dad drives 29km/h faster than the speed limit almost constantly. Why? Cause the fines don't really matter, but if you go 30 faster, you lose your license. That hurts!

    I hate how most people have these negative feelings towards people with money. Gotta make sure the rich people get theirs....

    You're reading way more into what people are saying than what's really there. Why should rich people get off lightly is a better question to ask? Should running a company effectively justify breaking the law?

    So yeah, I'm with Adam, but I wanna add that there are more effective ways at hurting people than taking their money. Anything from taking their licenses to making them stay in jail for a night when it's reaaally fast. And that should go for anyone, no matter how much money they make.

  3. To change size and/or color you simply use the BB tags that the replies you make include (If you don't know what the tags are, click on the "add reply" and see what code is added when you change text in different ways.

    A topic and thread are often interchangable (they mean the same thing in most cases). A topic can also be what a thread talks about (a topic can be something like, "dogs", and then you'd have a thread to discuss this topic). Hope that was clear :P

  4. Why would everyone be gay? It's not like allowing gay marriage will mean gays start popping up everywhere. All it means is that the existing homosexuals will be allowed to marry. Come to think of it, are we talking about marriage as in being wed in a church, or marriage as in that you get some economical benefits from the government?).

  5. 102 I think. Naturally you've got all those extra keys companies like to put on as well, but not counting those, I think it's 102. Could be 108 as well, when I think of it. Actually, it could be basically anything, but I'm gonna guess 102 or 108 :P

  6. Agreed Michael, you can fit more than 2. I guess it slipped my mind that there was land in that screen as well ;)

    Would it be possible for you to put units on the boats as well (I know you're not supposed to be able to, but can you work around the engine somehow?), to get an even better idea of how it'd look.

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