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Posts posted by Tonto_Icy_Tripod

  1. I heard Longhorn was gonna be a complete rewrite of Windows. Any ground for that you think?

    As for the original question, I tend to like windows :P The only problem I have with it is that it takes an hour to install, and that you have to defragment it every now and again (not very often for me though, I don't do much except surfing, so I don't have much data that cen even get fragmented ;)).

  2. Do I have internet there? It makes a huge difference yknow :hug:

    AoC (no, not the EE x-pack)

    Medieval Total War (if Rome Total War is out by the time, I'd take that)

    Half-Life 2 if it's out

    Now, besides that, I'd want to take my old nintendo with me...can I do that?

    Chip and Dale (It's way easy, but it's extremely fun ^_^)

    Super Mario Bros (I've only got 1 and 3 ^_^)

    The Smurfs

    MegaMan 2

    I know that's more than 3, but these games aren't half as big as today's computer games :woot:

  3. 1. The heat will spread. Simple as that ^_^ In the end, that means that the temperature will be the same on both sides, though it'll take time of course.

    2. If the fire is hot enough (what are you burning? A normal fire is something like 1100K but there are much hotter ones) the water will turn to steam before reaching the fire, while if it's not, the water will deprive the fire of oxygen, making it go out (the same would happen if no oxygen was able to get in when the water turned to steam).

    Not sure if I answered those questions like I should have, but I think I did ^_^

  4. That's way above anything I know, so I'll just not try ^_^ I'm having trouble seeing how multiplying the same two numbers will give you a negative result...Pretty sure that has to do with i being a complex number though.

  5. It has to do with the triangles. They aren't "similar" or whatever you call it (one is 2by5, the other is 3 by8). This means that there is a sag in the top triangle, and the opposite for the bottom one, meaning that the area of the bottom one is actually larger.

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