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Posts posted by Tonto_Icy_Tripod

  1. Exactly, everything's coming out, but is it gonna be mighty expensive (I've heard that PCI-express isn't gonna be more expensive than AGP? No idea if it's true though) so I'll have to wait another 6months after it comes out before I can actually buy it?

    And as you see, I'm behind you in upgrading :D

  2. Right now, I've got a comp with the following stuff

    1GHz PIII

    256 MB SDRAM

    GeForce 2MX 400

    There's a mobo in there too, but I don't know what kind it is (and right now, the comp's stuck where it is, so I can't open it up and check). So, what I'm wondering is, seeing as I need to upgrade this thing in a while, no matter what, how and when to do it.

    That said considering that (I believe) Longhorn will have 64bit support and I'm not gonna upgrade again until waaaaay after that's out. So, if I want 64bit, that's coming now, and would it then be a good idea to get that now? If it is, I guess a good idea would be to wait until the 939 sockets are out, so I can upgrade again?

    Then we have the whole BTX format. The first MoBos for that are coming out...when? Summer, isn't it? The problem with BTX is that it means I have to buy a new PSU as well. Actually, I need a new PSU anyways, so that's not an issue...But is it worth waiting for? Won't they be pretty pricy?

    And finally, RAM. What to do, what to do... I could go with more SDRAM, or trash the SDRAM and go DDR. Can you mix the two? I need more than I have now, so the issue isn't whether to get more or not, but how to do it. Is there a noticeable difference between SD and DDR? For an average user that is.

    Yeah, so the question is, when would be a good idea to upgrade? Sometime this year, or perhaps even wait until the first half of next?

    Any input is appreciated :D

  3. We're (or atleast I'm) not saying that you should just cut all the military spending. However, it might be an idea to think about if it's worth spending as much on your military as the 20 (!) next countries. What I'd really like to see is some statistics of how large part of the entire US budget the military has.

  4. As for which form of economy is the best – I’d have to point everyone to the economy that is used in the United State, not just because I live here but also because over the past 200+ years it has been the most successful. Like our form of government (a variant of Democracy) our economic system has also been modified to fit.

    There’s another reason why Capitalism is preferred over that of Communism or Socialism

    Actually, the US uses a form of socialism. Welfare? Yeah, that's not part of capitalism, that's socialism.

    Socialism is the theory that states the Government or a centralized agency controlls the means of production and distribution of goods and services.

    Um, no? Check out most any european country, which are definately socialist, and you won't find any of that sort (except if you mean agency's that are there to attempt to boost competition between companies, but I don't think that's what you mean).

    Either way, I'm getting us a bit off topic, so, on topic again please :D

  5. If you had your files on a seperate partition already (windows on C and files on D or something) then you don't need to lose the files.

    I'm also keen to know how 2's done. I know it's possible, as I had it like that when the comp first came, but since then I've reformated, so that setup is all gone :D

  6. It didn't show up as updated since I last checked for some reason...

    I think it's a new car, that was released just a few months ago. Or maybe it's not even out yet. Can't remember the name of the guy, but I think it had an "...egg" in it... I'll have to think for a while´.

    Mitsubishi lancer evo isn pretty fast though (the one that's used in 2fast2furious. No, not the cab!)

  7. I did notice the AMD had to be overclocked, but as you say, that's not really important. The important part is that there is competition.

    Also, the 64 isn't able to use it's full potential yet. Which means that, in optimum conditions for both processors, the AMD should beat the crap outta Intel.

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