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Posts posted by Tonto_Icy_Tripod

  1. How bout Socialism? It's not been mentioned, but I believe that when you say capitalism you actually mean socialism.

    There are of course varying levels of socialism (compare the US and, sweden or germany), but they idea is the same. Getting the best from capitalism and communism. Which I think is the way to go now atleast. Who knows what will be the best way in the future.

    My perception of the two (capitalism contra communism) communism doesn't allow for any real progress technologywise. Which kinda sucks, as there is no reason why we as a population shouldn't evolve. On the other hand, communism gives a feeling of safety. You can survive, even if you don't have the best of jobs, and it also means that the bonus rich kids have (no offense meant, as I would probably be classed among those) is removed. Which to me is a great thing. The thing I miss though is that from that even starting point you can't really distinguish yourself. That shuts out the natural competition humans "need".

    Capitalism on the other hand, makes sure that if you don't have an education, don't have rich parents or such, you're basically screwed. On the other hand, research is very possible and needed. Distinguishing yourself and getting rewards for it is also very possible. The bad part though, comes in the form of cheating the system (and I mean this in the form of using a monetary advantage to push your own needs and wants).

    So yeah, taking the good parts of those, and combining it, you get something like socialism. Of course, you don't get rid of all the bad parts, but some of them.

  2. Sharing music is allowed as long as you are the copyright owner. That goes for anything, books, games, stories, articles, whatever. In general filesharing programs (Kazaa, DC, napser, etc) are used to share files that the user does not have the copyright of.

    So basically, unless it's your own music or you have written consent from the copyright owner, no you can't link to the music.

  3. I don't think things are really getting much worse. Actually, that isn't how I feel, but let me try to put this atleast semi-straight first :ph34r:

    I don't think the amount of violence has really increased.Instead the severity of the violence has increased (it's not like automatic firearms were as easy to get ahold of back in the 70's I presume).

    The media report on the violence more due to the above (If a kid beat down his classmate, that wouldn't get in the news now, would it? If the same kid shot the same classmate, that'd make a frontside story).

    I do think that the violence against teachers is frightening. I don't really know any answer to why, how, if, what or any other of those questions, but the teachers are supposed to be the authority in the classroom. If that isn't the case, there's really no stopping the kids from beating up each other.

  4. Got Norton here. And the viruses would still spread, seeing as the fixes can't get out before the virus ;) Assuming everyone updates the first thing they do when they log on to the net, then it'd spread a lot less though :ph34r:

  5. Not necessarily. There's a difference between voting for someone and agreeing with everything he or she does. There's also the case of people voting for a party to stop another party.

    Now, I'm not going to say either president was good or bad. I will however say that the anti-US crowd has grown a LOT bigger after Bush became president. The support for him on hometurf though, his support is as strong as ever. So to me it seems that Bush chose to prioritize the opinion of the US more than the worldopinion. Good or bad? Depends how you look at it.

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