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Posts posted by Tonto_Icy_Tripod

  1. I don't think it'd crash just cause you have a bad video card. The only difference between your card and a normal one is that the RAM is probably shared and that the card isn't all too fast. That however shouldn't make the game crash I don't think.

    I'll let someone who knows try their hand at this now :brow:

  2. I've got a HP officejet g55 here that includes scan/copy/print/fax. I've never used the fax, but still, it has it :brow: It works like a charm, never had a problem with it and it's pretty fast too. It's got a few years on its neck though, so I think the price should've dropped quite nicely.

    After checking online stores, it turns out it's now more expensive than when we bought it ;)

  3. I'm stuck in a bit of a predicament here right now. See, I've got this 800 word essay that's due tomorrow 23:59 (the day before christmas eve). It's about how literature changes in a pendulum sorta movement. Or atleast, that's how I choose to make mine... I'm thinking along the terms of:

    1 Enlightenment (1700)

    2 Romantics

    3 Realism/naturalism

    4 Symbolism

    So first you have science, the quest to explain and understand. From that you move to the other extreme, the romantics. It's all about feelings, feelings and more feelings. Then you once again move back to reality, in realism, naturalism, where the authors don't only portray the good things, but also the bad stuff. Then you move on into symbolism, which might not be completely clear, but I'm gonna try and argue that it strives in the same direction as the romantics.

    So, as you can see, it all moves backwards and forwards, in that pending motion. Now, the question is why. I was thinking it'd have something to do with politics, but I have been unable to find or think of anything ;)

    If any of you have any ideas, I'd be real happy to hear about it :brow:

  4. Motherboard, Graphicscard, soundcard, LANcard, CPU, harddrive, CD-RW, DVD, DVD-RW (+/-), various fans (or other cooling), a case, cables, and screws for the harddrive and such, floppy disc station (if you want one), and that's about it. You might not want all of these, and you might want others, but you wanted a list, and this is what you got :brow:

  5. An influx of new members always helps, as after a while you just tend to run out of things to post. That seems to happen at all the boards I post at...

    I don't know, but I post at three boards (including this one) and lurk at another, and they all have this in common (and I used to be active on plenty of other boards with the same result). Right now it's also holiday season, people are not home, they're out buying gifts and such.

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