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Posts posted by Tonto_Icy_Tripod

  1. I don't know one person who sat down with an xbox controler for the first time and says, "I love this controler." Xbox controlers are something that you get used to.

    I did ;) OTOH I have large hands, so that may be a reason. But really, there's nothing better than a 8bit nintendo. It's the only functional console I've got now actually (my PS died on me a year or two back...).

    BTW Simpson's Roadrage is simply the best Xbox game :P

  2. Looks cool. I just wonder why you don't have it so that the effects multiply at the same set amount? You have iron at 1k and mithril at 150. Wouldn't it be easier to set them all to 1k or any chosen number, but instead change the rate at which they are gathered? I think that'd make it easier for the player :lol:

    ps. First time I'm visiting these forums so sorry if my post doesn't make complete sense. I haven't really grasped everything here yet...

  3. but an armed responsible populace with their own firearms

    keyword being responsible of course. But how would you determine who's responsible? I mean, what are the criteria to get a gun in the US right now? Besides being 18+? (not a rhetorical question, just out of curiosity :P)

  4. I think there are two sides to this. You either think guns help prevent crime, or you think that if guns are outlawed (except for cops and such) then there is no need for guns to prevent crime.

    Put it like this, you're in school. One person has gone completely wacko, and will

    a) get his gun and shoot around him and use the last bullet to shoot himself. It might not go that far though since other students just happen to have their guns with them too, and talk the first guy out of it.

    :P (since he has no gun) use his fists and try to beat everyone up (which obviously won't work since he's clearly outnumbered).

  5. Whether or not they did lose the feed you never know. Without any evidence going the other way, I'd assume they actually did lose it. Sure you should question the news, but you don't have to go overboard about it.

    Repetetive or not, why don't they show them occasionally as a reminder of why we're fighting, instead of denouncing?

    You don't need to see the pictures constantly to know why you're fighting. If you do, then it doesn't seem to make an impact on you. It obviously has... Once again, the media's role is to in an objective manner show what is happening. 9/11 is history, it happened years ago. What is happening in Iraq is however very much happening today, and should thus be shown on the news. I think you'll agree with me here. The thing is you seem to be wanting the media to remind you what happened so as to justify your war. You're not in Iraq because of Usama!!!! You were in Afghanistan because of him, not Iraq.

    In World War II, there was an average of 300+ GI deaths a day. The news media didn't report that as they were far less liberal and more pro-war than today. Now when 3 +/- people die a day, its big news, like "Oh, since we're fighting a war, we shouldn't be having any casualties."

    Rather the opposite. Remember how Bush declared the war was over quite a long while ago? Yet there have been more casulties since then than during the actual war (and these haven't been caused by friendly fire either). .

  6. There are other jobs in armies besides running around shooting people. Also, with armour and new sophisticated weapons that don't require much bodystrength behind them, women can do just as well as men. May I ask why you disagree with women in the US army though?

  7. Um, I disagree with you.

    First, what exactly has the american spirit got to do with this? We're talking about media being objective or subjective. That's got to be something that's more international than the "american spirit"?

    I don't have CNN here (nor fox or BBC), but only swedish news, so this might not apply in the US, but still...

    There has been plenty, and I mean plenty, of airtime for 9/11. First you had the live cameras that were rolling basically 24/7, then you had reports, newspapers, heck everything was about 9/11 for a few weeks. So then it all cooled down, then we have the anniversary (there's gotta be a better word, but I can't think of one now), and everyone's reminded of what happened. I think you'll agree with me that the media had done their job of displaying what had happened (and I'd argue they were subjective in your favour).

    the news media took them down off-air because they rose up feelings of anger to the "innocent" people of the terrorist groups.

    No, they took the clips off air cause after a few weeks it became repetetive. Same with the situation in Iraq, except here there's also a lot of criticism about what's happening in the country, regarding the regime change and all (good and bad mind you). Naturally that'll stay until something bigger arrives to take the scene away, or it just gets plain dull to watch (which as far as I'm concerned has already happened).

    That might not have been such a terrific post, so to make sure I'll read through it tomorrow and edit it if I think it's necessary :P

  8. The answer to your question would be; yes. :P

    I completely agree with you. Also, if she was forced to be put up there, that's pretty illegal anyways, eh? However, there are other feminists, fighting for other female rights. For example the lack of women big companies (atleast high up the ladder) as well as women receiving less money for the same work as men, a lot of the time. Those can also be supported by facts, while this (the sushi incident) is just stupid.

  9. I drank a .4 liter soda in (I think) 8 seconds.

    In RTS I guess my only real accomplishment would be to once pressure (aka push him back into his base, have a forward base and a bigger army at the time)UD_Sky in aom (it was a team game and the two others in my team were losing). I think he's something like 1900+ or so, and seeing as I mostly played at 1800 level that was prolly my best RTS accomplishment ever :P

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